Three Buildings on W, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Marc Yankus的理发店。艺术家的礼貌
这些新作品可以分为四个阵营:曼哈顿标志性建筑(Flatiron大楼、安索尼亚(Ansonia)、苏荷(SoHo)的EV Haughwout);西村联排别墅和家庭商店;镜像或复制建筑的拼贴(从梅西街(Macy‘s)或从东19街(East 19 Street)到市中心);以及从空置地段旁的建筑中抽象出砖块。后者代表了扬库斯在曼哈顿外拍摄的第一张建筑照片。(他以前在纽约州北部的一个湖边工作,刚从南极洲为史密森杂志拍摄回来。)
在画廊,Flatiron、Ansonia EV Haughwout、一家老肉类包装区银行和一家西村理发店的照片将显示为40×57英寸的大版画。这位艺术家最感兴趣的是查尔斯街(Charles Street)的联排别墅、第19街的倒影-这座空荡荡的城市峡谷本可以从卡梅隆·克罗(Cameron Crowe)的香草天空(Vanilla Sky)中拉出来-以及在第72街和河滨大道(Riverside Drive)的哥特式豪宅的兄弟般的双翼建筑。出租车、公共汽车、游客、狗和土生土长的纽约人都从这些晶莹剔透的城市风景中擦肩而过,观众只能想知道这些门窗后面是什么样的人居住、工作、玩耍、睡觉、聚会和结对。想象一下,把照片抽象成大卫·希克勒在曼哈顿的故事集“接吻”,你就到了一半。
Flatiron Building, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Dorilton Apartments, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
The Empire, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Chelsea Blues, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Haughwout Building, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Nineteenth Street, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Row of White Buildings, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
New City, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
The Ansonia, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Seventh and Bedford, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Bank on Eighth, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
Charles Street West, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
South Village Fence, by Marc Yankus. Courtesy of the artist
keywords:Photography, Architectural photography, New York exhibitions