

Holiday Inn Telavi is located In the historical center of Telavi. On the volume of the old hotel there was arranged a minimalist glazed construction.
▼场地环境,surroundings ©Nick Paniashvili
▼酒店外观,exterior view ©Nick Paniashvili
In total the hotel includes 90 rooms, 2 restaurants, a conference hall, a gym, a spa and a swimming pool, for which a movable glazed roof was designed.
▼开放泳池,open swimming pool ©Nick Paniashvili
▼泳池视野,view from the swimming pool ©Nick Paniashvili
The hotel fully meets the requirements of the brand. There are used the existing brick walls of the old building, old staircases and railings, which gives a more characteristic look to the common living spaces and brings elements of antiquity and history into the interior.
▼前台,reception ©Nick Paniashvili
▼楼梯通向二层,stairs leading to the second floor ©Nick Paniashvili
▼保留历史元素,bringing elements of antiquity into the interior ©Nick Paniashvili
▼室内公共空间,interior view ©Nick Paniashvili
▼看向餐厅,view of the dining space ©Nick Paniashvili
▼场地平面,site plan ©NS STUDIO
▼首层平面,ground floor ©NS STUDIO
▼二层平面,first floor plan ©NS STUDIO
▼标准层平面,IV floor plan ©NS STUDIO
▼餐厅平面,V floor plan ©NS STUDIO
▼建筑立面,the facades ©NS STUDIO
▼建筑剖面,sections ©NS STUDIO