

© Tobias Hein
Ground Floor Plan
架构师提供的文本描述。在柏林,在格莱斯德雷克公园东西部之间的“乌尔班米特”遗址上,嫁接设计并规划了一个流动啤酒厂和啤酒花园。BRLO BRWHOUSE的建筑将餐厅和酒吧、啤酒花园和活动空间与工艺酿酒厂和管理空间结合在一起,并以其模块化的容器结构而闻名。
Text description provided by the architects. In Berlin, on the site of “Urbane Mitte” between the eastern and western parts of Gleisdreieck Park, GRAFT designed and planned a mobile brewery and beer garden. The building for BRLO BRWHOUSE combines a restaurant and bar, beer garden and events space with a craft brewery and administration spaces and is remarkable for its modular container architecture.
© Tobias Hein
GRAFT designed a freestanding building made of shipping containers, similar to the two “Platoon Kunsthalle” container constructions opened in Seoul in 2009 and in Berlin in 2012. The pre- fabricated containers are altered individually according to their function and are stacked to form a mobile home base for the young local brewing company BRLO. The building is designed for temporary usage over a period of 3-5 years, and if necessary can easily be dismantled and reconstructed at another location.
© DONE STUDIO – Ulf Saupe
c Do Studio-Ulf Saupe
Four containers long and three containers high, the block provides about 600 m2 of floor space, sufficient for the brewery equipment, as well as room for guests, events, and administration. To the west, a vertically placed container contains a staircase and functions as the entrance to the office spaces. A second, inclined container at the end of the west side provides outside access to a gallery level. The utilitarian character of the container architecture is emphasized by its anthracite colour.
© Tobias Hein
© DONE STUDIO – Ulf Saupe
c Do Studio-Ulf Saupe
Architects Graft Architects
Location Schöneberger Str. 16, 10963 Berlin, Germany
Category Restaurants & Bars
Architect in Charge GRAFT Gesellschaft von Architekten
Area 600.0 m2
Project Year 2016
Photographs Tobias Hein, DONE STUDIO – Ulf Saupe