

合作者拱。尼古拉·比格纳迪,拱门。阿莱西亚·安东尼奥利(Alessia Antonioli)西尔维娅·莫拉西,阿尔奇。玛蒂娜·瓦罗利,阿奇。大卫·安德里亚·诺利,拱门。马塞洛·塞西尼,阿奇。Alessandra Dall‘Ara,拱门。弗朗西丝卡·加里纳,拱门。伊拉里亚·法拉贝拉(Ilaria Falabella)Sabrina Bacchi图形测试-领事馆
Collaborators arch. Nicola Bignardi, arch. Alessia Antonioli, arch. Silvia Morassi, arch. Martina Varoli, arch. Davide Andrea Nolli, arch. Marcello Cesini, arch. Alessandra Dall’Ara, arch. Francesca Gallina, arch. Ilaria Falabella, arch. Sabrina Bacchi Graphics TESTA – Consulenti & Creativi Pubblicitari Structural Engineer ing. Mario Galli MEP Studio Associato Perlini Civil Engineer ing. Mario Galli Owner FONDAZIONE GIOVANNI ARVEDI E LUCIANA BUSCHINI Manufacturers Loading... More Specs Less Specs
© Roland Halbe
Text description provided by the architects. Conceived as a form of expressing the beauty of instruments, the Auditorium came into being to represent the great musical tradition, but also to confront the future of music. The result is a fluid project made of soft volumes, sinuous lines chasing each other and drawing a great organic sculpture which expresses thespreading of sound waves.
Interior Sketch
A parallel project: architecture and sound, releasing a sequence of shapes, volumes, views: the focal point is the central stage where attention is immediately centred. An important acoustic and architectonic choice sedimenting all-involving visions, recalling almost the Weimar all- embracing theatre. The space where sound is formed, the circular stage on the lower level of the hall, is a magnetic nucleus for the audience, drawing attention to the musical event to the musical event and making its image fully central. The audience is “wrapped round” the musicians, the dialogue that is created between the audience and the players producing a strong emotional impact and allowing a new experience which goes beyond the classical concert concept.
© Roland Halbe
© Roland Halbe
建筑是为了激发人们的情绪而做的,但是声学工程师YasuHisa Toyota研究的声学也成为了大厅的强项。建筑试图“捕捉”声音,将其转化为图像;音乐,本质上是短暂的,从物质中变出来:在庆祝弦乐器的地方,永恒而短暂的对话。
The architecture is done to excite emotions, but the acoustics, studied by the acoustics engineer Yasuhisa Toyota, also become a strong point of the hall. The architecture tries to “capture” sound to translate it into an image; music, ephemeral by nature, becomes from, substance: permanent and ephemeral in a timeless dialogie in the place celebrating string instruments.
© Roland Halbe
Conceptual Sketch
Fluidity and organicity of the architectonic spaces, living and pulsating material which is moulded following curvilinear lines, contrasting with the regular and sterile definition of the rectangular hall which contains the Auditorium, like a box opening up its surprises. A basic idea: to build along parallel lines an identity between sound and architecture, in spaces that seem to crystallize sound waves.
© Roland Halbe
A palace on many surprises and wonders: mechanisms on an architecture that is built by joining softness and fullness of materials, defined in the fluid concatenations of the spaces highlighting soft curves and tight spokes which make the surfaces vibrate and turn, an architecture which lives on open views and glimpses, concentration and inventive essence.
Section H-H
Section L-L
Location Cremona, Italy
Category Auditorium
Architect in Charge Giorgio Palù, Michele Bianchi
Acoustic design NAGATA ACOUSTIC
Lighting design consultant Aldo Gennari
Area 5500.0 m2
Project Year 2013
Photographs Roland Halbe
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