

Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
Text description provided by the architects. The site was not selected by chance.
It is an island in the middle of the Seine–the centre of the region–the beating heart of the Vallée de la Culture in Hauts- de-Seine. With La Seine Musicale, Seguin Island has become its beacon.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
Beyond the metaphor, it is also a reality.
首先,名字是:La Seine Musicale。它将音乐-一种接触我们灵魂的艺术-在每次音乐会上将他们聚集在一起,与塑造我们地区的河流联系在一起,并将我们带到更远的地方。这个名字让人想起它的当地基金会和它的国际推广活动。这个名字对我们所有人都有帮助。还有由Shigeru ban和Jean de Gastines创建的、可识别和卓越的建筑,它们令人钦佩地使新闻部及其合作伙伴希望提供一个既雄心勃勃又受欢迎的地方。
Firstly, the name: La Seine Musicale. It links music, an art that touches our souls and brings them together at each concert, to the river that shapes our region, and carries us well beyond it. The name calls to mind both its local foundation and its international outreach. The name speaks to us all. There is also the architecture, recognizable and remarkable, created by Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines, who have admirably ful lled the wish of the Department and its partners to offer a place that is both ambitious and welcoming.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
最后但并非最不重要的是,它是一个开放的文化设施:一个现场表演、情感和休闲的场所,它也为居住的有才华的艺术家提供空间(劳伦斯·赤道和岛交响乐团、加埃尔·达森和La Ma trise des Hauts-de Seine、Philippe Jaroussky和他的Académie Musicale)。
Last but not least, it is a cultural facility that is opening its doors: a place for live performance, emotions, and leisure, which also provides space to talented artists in residence (Laurence Equilbey and Insula Orchestra, Gaël Darchen and La Maîtrise des Hauts-de-Seine, Philippe Jaroussky and his Académie Musicale).
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
A place for life, where the extraordinary meets the everyday: the auditorium, the modular main hall, the garden, the unen- closed boutiques, and the numerous venues for musicians including spaces for ensembles in residence, rehearsal studios and the like...
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
无论是新手、好奇的路人、艺术家、启动者、成人、儿童、热心者还是专业人士,每个人都可以在La Seine Musicale遇到和分享他们的情感。
Whether novice, curious passer-by, artist, initiate, adult, child, enthusiast or professional, everyone can meet and share their emotions at La Seine Musicale.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
为了看到光明的曙光,La Seine Musicale项目需要汇集技能、承诺和雄心。这要归功于布洛涅-比朗古市及其市长皮埃尔-克利斯朵夫·巴盖特的支持。
In order to see the light of day, the La Seine Musicale project needed to bring together skill, commitment, and ambition. It is rstly thanks to the support of the City of Boulogne-Billancourt and its mayor, Pierre-Christophe Baguet.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
自2013年以来,La Seine Musicale同样是一份合作合同的目标,该合同将DeHauts-de Seine和Tempo-le Seguin合并。
La Seine Musicale is equally the object of a partnership contract that has united the Department des Hauts-de-Seine andTempo-Île Seguin since 2013.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
音乐,歌曲,掌声,怀孕的停顿,孩子们的笑声.La Seine Musicale已经准备好接收观众,并与上千种声音产生共鸣。
Music, song, applause, pregnant pauses, children’s laughter... La Seine Musicale is ready to receive its audiences and to resonate with a thousand sounds.
Courtesy of Shigeru Ban Architects
由Shigeru ban建筑师提供
Architects Shigeru Ban Architects
Location Cours de l'Île Seguin, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France
Category Concert House
Area 36500.0 m2
Project Year 2017
Photographs Boegly + Grazia photographers
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