×Karls kitchen is the new restaurant of the Breuningerluxury department store in Stuttgart. The kitchen isthe central element of the free-flow restaurant entrance is characterised by largeglass refrigerators that also function as displaywindows. This way, when guests enter walkingthrough the kitchens, they are only separated fromthe fresh produce by a large glass wall. The functionof the bar is twofold: on the kitchen side it offershome-made foods and drinks, while the bar adjacentto the lounge area invites guests to enjoy a nice glassof wine, a local beer or one of the coffee restaurant is divided into three different seatingareas, each with its own identity and is a traditional seating area, which refers toBreuninger?s (and Stuttgart’s) history and modern seating area represents the Stuttgartof today, while the Lounge serves as a refuge andconnection between the modern and traditionalseating areas.