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五曼哈顿西大楼翻新 | 现代几何美感与高效能源性能的融合

2017/12/06 09:00:00
© Laurian Ghinitoiu
c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
架构师提供的文本描述。建筑设计 RM 戴维斯布罗迪 (现戴维斯布罗迪邦德),并于 1969 年完成,450 西 33 街 (现在五曼哈顿西) 是已故布鲁塔主义建筑的典范。这座大厦的结构实际上是一座钢桥,横跨宾州火车站的铁路线,通往哈德逊船厂,支撑着一个现浇混凝土柱板框架。这座建筑的围护结构最初是由预制混凝土板组成的,面板上有完整的窗户。
Text description provided by the architects. Designed by architecture rm Davis Brody (now Davis Brody Bond) and completed in 1969, 450 West 33rd Street (now Five Manhattan West) was an exemplar of late Brutalist architecture. The edifice’s structure is effectively a steel bridge spanning the Penn Station rail lines leading to Hudson Yards, supporting a cast-in-place concrete column-and-slab frame. The building’s enclosure was originally composed of precast concrete in- ll panels with integrated windows.
Before. Image Courtesy of REX
之前。REX 的图像礼貌
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在 20 世纪 80 年代,当它的外部结构元素被漆成米色,以及覆盖着棕色金属壁板的全嵌墙板时,这座建筑的硬美就被抹去了。多年来,450W33 已经成为一个离奇的文物被遗弃在西切尔西的土地上,轻蔑地绰号为“大象的脚”或“泰雷尔大厦”的总部在反乌托邦的 lm 刀锋 Runner。随着 Brook eld O ce Properties 开发曼哈顿西部 (50 万平方米/5,380,000 SF) 立即向东,与之相关的公司开发哈德逊庭院 (1,180,000 平方米/12,700,000 SF),在曼哈顿的演变过程中,450W33 突然开始了严重的进口活动 (1,180,000 平方米/12,700,000 SF)。
During the 1980s, the building’s hard beauty was neutered when its external structural elements were painted beige and its ll-in wall panels clad in brown-colored metal siding. Over the years since, 450W33rd has become a bizarre artifact marooned in the no-man’s land of West Chelsea, disparagingly nicknamed “the elephant’s foot” or “The Tyrell Building” after the headquarters in the dystopian lm Blade Runner. With Brook eld O ce Properties’ development of Manhattan West (500,000 m2 / 5,380,000 sf) immediately to its east, and The Related Companies’ development of Hudson Yards (1,180,000 m2 / 12,700,000 sf) immediately to its west, 450W33rd has suddenly taken on serious import within Manhattan’s evolution.
Before. Image Courtesy of REX
之前。REX 的图像礼貌
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这栋建筑的巨大楼板 (从 8,000 平方米到 11,500 平方米/86,000 SF 至 124,000 SF) 和异常高的天花板 (通常为 5 米/16.5 英尺) 为曼哈顿西区和哈德逊庭院注入了大量传统的 A 类办公空间,提供了大量独特尺寸的“支持空间”。它的外观需要美观的整容和能源性能的改善。此外,该大楼的大堂、电梯核心和建筑服务需要大幅升级,以满足新一代租户的需求。
The building’s massive floor plates (ranging from 8,000 m2 to 11,500 m2 / 86,000 sf to124,000 sf) and unusually high ceilings (typically 5 m / 16.5 ft) provide a huge amount of uniquely dimensioned, free plan ‘support space’ for Manhattan West’s and Hudson Yards’ significant injection of traditional Class A offices. To advantageously reposition the building within this new context, its exterior required both an aesthetic facelift and an improvement to its energy performance. In addition, the building’s lobby, elevator cores, and building services needed to be significantly upgraded to meet the demands of its new breed of tenants.
Courtesy of REX
REX 提供
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在考虑如何同时提高其美学和性能时,它的几何学提出了两个基本的设计挑战。首先,它的形状是直截了当的,不讨人喜欢。其次,它的大部分周边墙倾斜的角度在 20 度,这是一个关键的负担,在建筑物的重新概念化。第 450W33 号建筑是根据 1968 年“纽约市建筑规范”建造的。2014 年取代 façDes,需要满足截至 2008 年 7 月 1 日的所有建筑规范修订,包括在大楼周边必须设置 2 米/6.7 英尺的最低可达路径高度 (避免头部撞击条件)。这将使建筑物的很大一部分是不可出租的!因此,这种解决办法在财政上是站不住脚的。
In considering how simultaneously improving its aesthetics and performance—its geometry posed two fundamental design challenges. First, its shape was, bluntly, unflattering. Second, the majority of its perimeter walls were sloped at an angle of 20 degrees, a pivotal burden in the building’s reconceptualization. 450W33rd was erected under the 1968 Building Code of the City of New York. Replacing the facades in 2014 required meeting all building code amendments up to July 1, 2008, including the 2 m / 6.7 ft minimum height for accessible paths of travel (avoiding head strike conditions) necessitated at the building’s perimeter. This would thereby render a significant portion of the building un-leasable! Such a solution was thereby financially untenable.
© Laurian Ghinitoiu
c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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克服这种代码负担的明显反应是创建一个锯齿状的 FAÇade,使每个楼层的窗户垂直,所有可出租的区域都保持不变。然而,这种方法会造成不可接受的雪、冰和鸟粪危害。
The obvious response to overcome this code burden would be to create a ziggurat—or step-shaped facade—whereby each floor’s windows become vertical and all leasable area is maintained. However, this approach would create an unacceptable snow, ice, and guano hazard.
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这种方法的一个适当的变化是将 FAÇADE 设置在头上:外部视野畅通,保持可租区域,避免所有危险。此外,与适用于同一底层倾斜建筑几何结构的平面 FAÇADE 相比,这种折叠式几何结构提高了能量性能和视觉舒适性。过度倾斜的玻璃部分不透明,减少了大角度太阳的直接太阳增益。下垂的玻璃板获得的太阳热量也要低得多,因为它们对太阳有一个倾斜的角度,并且是从过度倾斜的窗格中“自我遮挡”出来的。随着直射太阳的减少,冷却负荷和眩光减少。
A suitable variation of this approach is to pleat the facade above head strike: views to the exterior are unimpeded, leasable area is maintained, and all hazards are avoided. Further, this pleated geometry improves both energy performance and visual comfort as compared to that of a planar facade applied to the same underlying sloped building geometry. The over-slung panes of glass are partially opacified, reducing direct solar gain from high angle sun. The under-slung panes in turn receive much lower solar heat gain, since they present an oblique angle to the sun and are ‘self-shaded’ from the over-slung panes. Cooling loads and glare are reduced with the decrease in direct sun.
© Laurian Ghinitoiu
c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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而 FAÇADE 的折皱使整体玻璃表面增加,新型玻璃组件的保温值明显高于原玻璃,绝缘值和能量性能无净损失。同时,增加的玻璃面积可以让日光更深地渗透到室内。为了创造一个令人兴奋的几何图形,使褶皱的窗口区域与建筑物顶部的垂直区域协调起来,褶皱的严重程度就会逐渐降低。
While the pleating of the facade results in an increase of overall glass surface, the insulation value of the new glazing assembly is significantly higher than that of the original glass, resulting in no net loss of insulation value or energy performance. Meanwhile, the increased area of glazing allows for deeper penetration of daylight into the interior. To create an exciting geometry that harmonizes the pleated window areas with the vertical regions at the building’s top, the severity of the pleats gradually reduce the higher they go.
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为了将 façade 的成本降到最低,褶皱的 façade 的下摆窗格从垂直角度看从来不超过 15 度,这使得系统可以使用整体 IGU 解决方案,而不是天窗所需的安全叠层玻璃 (从垂直角度看,内德的角度是 15 度或更高)。
To minimize the facade’s cost, the under-slung panes of the pleated facade never exceed 15 degrees from vertical, which allows the system to utilize a monolithic IGU solution, as opposed to the safety laminated glazing required for skylights (defined as glazing angled 15 degrees or more from vertical).
The resulting shape is one that suggests either a shimmering cascade... or a beckoning lighthouse Fresnel lens that reflects the sky. From the user’s experience, the Fresnel geometry allows for remarkable transparency that opens up the massive floor plates, renders the building highly transparent from street level, and breaks down its overall mass. © Laurian Ghinitoiu c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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FAÇADE 独特的几何结构要求对窗户清洗系统进行战略性设计。所使用的解决方案具有传统的轨道、鱼雷和缆车系统,适用于在 FAÇADE 的起伏曲线上自由移动,很容易从垂直过渡到折叠的 FAÇADE,并且可以在不造成干扰或造成损害的情况下滑过堆栈的联合条件。该多功能-- 设计结合弯曲轨道的窗户清洗系统作为一个单独的挤压-- 保持允许的热膨胀和制造/安装公差,通常与统一的幕墙。
The facade’s unique geometry demands a strategic design for the window washing system. The employed solution features a conventional track, torpedo, and gondola system adapted to move freely over the undulating curves of the facade, to transition easily from vertical to pleated facade, and to glide across stack joint conditions without jamming or inflicting damage. The mullions—designed to incorporate the curved track of the window washing system as a separate extrusion—maintain allowances for thermal expansion and fabrication/installation tolerances commonly associated with unitized curtain walls.
© Laurian Ghinitoiu
c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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The system was verified and perfected through full-scale testing of the track, torpedo, and gondola. To integrate the repositioned building into the larger plans of Manhattan West and the final sections of the much-heralded High Line, a two-story arcade breezeway is excavated into the southern side of the building. © Laurian Ghinitoiu c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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这条风道与高线和曼哈顿西中心广场的高度相吻合,以容纳未来的潜在连接。这条风道连接在大楼西南角,让行人绕过从第 10 大道到宾州车站的不活跃的人行道。
Coincident with the height of both the High Line and Manhattan West’s central plaza to accommodate potential future links, the breezeway is connected back to grade at the building’s southwestern corner to allow pedestrians to bypass the inactive sidewalk from 10th Avenue to Penn Station.
© Laurian Ghinitoiu
c.Laurian Ghinitoiu
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To complement the creme color tones of travertine walls and neutral grey terrazzo floor, the benches are comprised of CNC-formed black walnut.
Conceived as a venue for the display of Arts Brook eld’s collection, the lobby provides space for contemplative experiences including customized benches.
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Architects REX
Location 450 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001, United States
Client Brookfield Office Properties
Project Year 2017
Photographs Laurian Ghinitoiu
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