

British Art Show 8 (BAS8) has kicked off the next leg of its tour in Edinburgh, unveiling newly commissioned works and an expanded programme. Pictured: installation view of Sequencer, by Benedict Drew, 2015, at Talbot Rice Gallery. Photography: Chris Park
最近一次巡回展将在三个历史场馆举行,其中包括爱丁堡皇家植物园的Inverleith House、苏格兰国家现代艺术馆和爱丁堡大学的Talbot Rice画廊。馆长安娜·科林和莉迪亚·伊伊将这三种展览设想为相互之间形成关系的独立展览。
瑞安·甘德(Ryan Gander)的安装实地考察(2015)-这是巡回展的一项新内容-在塔尔伯特·赖斯画廊(Talbot Rice Gallery)占据了一席之地,他的私人物品在传送带上无休止地旋转,只有通过一个紧凑的观看窗口才能看到。在同一地点附近,本尼迪克特·德鲁(Benedict Drew)已经搬到了格鲁吉亚高耸的画廊,安装了一个新的视频
在Inverleith House,杰西·葡萄酒(JesseWill)推出了一系列新委托的陶瓷雕塑,悬挂在皇家植物园维多利亚时代棕榈楼的天花板上;而巴勃罗·布朗斯坦(Pablo Bronstein)则从工业革命中获得了灵感,墙上的作品展示了机械的图像。
Drew has moved into the venue's neoclassical Georgian Gallery, expanding his original video installation. Photography: Chris Park
Ryan Gander’s installation Fieldwork, 2015, is a new addition to the touring exhibition. Photography: Chris Park
Gander's personal objects revolve endlessly on a conveyor belt, visible only through a compact viewing window in the gallery's walls. Photography: Chris Park
Lawrence Abu Hamdan's A Convention of Tiny Movements, 2015, is also on view at Talbot Rice Gallery. Photography: Chris Park
Auditory Learning, by Eileen Simpson and Ben White, 2015, at Talbot Rice Gallery. Photography: Chris Park
For BAS8, Hayley Tompkins presents found or ready-made objects – a stick, a shirtsleeve, a series of stock photographs purchased online – which have been altered by the application of paint. Each Digital Light Pool is made by pouring acrylic paint directly into shallow plastic trays. Photography: Chris Park
Graphic design collective Åbäke has crafted a delicated humanoid sculpture, dubbed Fatima, 2015, from ex-voto body parts collected in the Portuguese town of the same name. Photography: Chris Park
Elsewhere, artist duo Broomberg & Chanarin's Dodo installation brings a breath of fresh air to the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art with a full-scale airplane propeller, pictured here in its previous set-up at Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo in Mexico. Photography: Moritz Bernoully
Installation view of Dodo, by Broomberg & Chanarin, 2014, at Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáne. Photography: Moritz Bernoully
Over at Inverleith House, Jesse Wine has unveiled a freshly commissioned series of ceramic sculptures, Gossip I – IV, hung from the ceiling in the Victorian Palm House at the Royal Botanic Garden. Courtesy of the artist, Limoncello Gallery and Mary Mary, Glasgow. Photography: John McKenzie
keywords:British art, Installations, Global Fair Guide 2016, Art fairs