The iconic nightclub renowned for its logo of cherries, Pacha Ibiza, has renewed its image with the aim of revisiting the essence of the Ibizan farmhouse dating back to its beginnings and becoming a reflection of the island's architectural style.
An interesting aesthetic transformation for which different materials produced by VIVES Cerámica have been selected: On the one hand, inspired by the traditional Venetian terrazzo, the Portofino-R Humo and Portofino-R Cemento porcelain tiles (both in the rectified format of 59.3x59.3 cm), have been chosen for the floor of the main hall of the nightclub, which is also used as the dance floor, and also for some of the access areas to the disco. On the other hand, looking to give the club a unique personality and reflecting the multicultural essence of the Pacha brand, Strand-R Natural porcelain tiles (59.3 x 59.3 cm) has been chosen to cover one of the main bathrooms, giving it the appearance of a large OSB wooden box.
The project, carried out by the Capella Garcia Arquitectura studio, is structured in multiple interconnected spaces where the Mediterranean atmosphere, the white walls with rustic finishes and the iconic cherries, become a link. In short, an ambitious project that takes the club back to its origins.