


This textile artwork is part of the “Holland Boulevard” at Schiphol international airport, designed by NEXT architects, the traveller overlooks the archetypical Dutch landscape endless horizontal lines.
Through small intimate and very diverse living rooms, the traveller overlooks the endless Dutch horizon. What looks from a distance a clear picture lets discover the detailed viewer more layers and composition of the material on a closer look. It is the first time textile is allowed at Schiphol airport to generate a more intimate atmosphere; meeting all requirements of maintenance and security of this 24H international hub of course.
Only 4 different yarns set the base for this large mural (26m1). Complex weaving programming resulted into abstract structures, which turn into colours and later become pictures when zooming out. The Dutch landscape is emphasized by abstracting the horizon turning into “10.800 Horizons”; the yarns.
Look behind the scene and follow the road of the textile development of three interior projects at the TextileLAB: including ’10 .800 horizons’ by Samira Boon in collaboration with NEXT Architects for the Holland Boulevard of Schiphol, the White Palace of MerkX + Girod, and Inside Outside Cosmic Curtain for the National Library in Doha, Qatar.
The development and production was in close collaboration with the renowned TextielLab / TextielMuseum Tilburg.
The landscape image is an artistic translation of Matthieu Verhoeven’s picture “empty landscape”.