


The Project plans, in the first place, the expansion of the centre with new teaching spaces capable of meeting the needs of the present, according to regulations, so that they are functionally integrated with the existing building. Secondly, the value of the modernist building through the elimination of the prefabricated buildings and the negative impacts, recovering the outdoor space for games. Thirdly, the opening of the assembly to the excellent views enjoyed by the plot, looking for the landscape integration and improvement of the environment, redefining in that area the maritime facade of Sada.
The architectural solution is an external building, in the basement, that takes advantage of the slope toward the promenade and opens to it with a glass facade that is integrated into the slope, with a minimal visual impact, using a basis of slats of wood painted with the colours of the existing vegetation. This new building is set up as a new basement of the modernist building, which is entirely visible. The flat accessible roof of the new building is now the new playground, with a more permeable new enclosure, which allows the views to the sea.