书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计

2015/01/30 00:00:00
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-0
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-1
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-2
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-3
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-4
书之解剖 | 古老而灵活的折叠书设计-5
The accordion book is one of the oldest forms of book known to man. It’s structure is simple yet extremely effective, this allows one to create an object as complex as a book with only two rigid elements as covers and a single, folded piece of paper. By nature it is flexible but precise, easy tomake. In opening accordion pages you will unveil the book’s content, and see physical and intellectual journey through its content. Much like the accordion book, the current day spine version or bound books provide an infrastructure that helps us tie all the elements of a book together. Thesewere the inspiration elements that helped further our understanding into the “anatomy of the book” and hence the “anatomy of the library”.
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