

© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
Hotel Amarin sits in a thick pine forest, at the eastern edge of the “Monsena-Valdaliso“ tourist zone. From its peninsula, it looks out and curves toward Rovinj, Venice, distant seas horizons and the tiny island of Figarola.
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
The hotel has one movie theater, two beaches, three indoor pools, three hot tubs, four outdoor pools, four apartment suites, four saunas, five outdoor playscapes, five wellness rooms, six eateries and cafes, ten thematic indoor points for kids, and two hundred and seventy six double bedrooms. It welcomes families, wanderers and play, awakening and drawing them to belong to its large, intermingling territory on the seaside.
Public Realm
How to create a large hotel in which many diverse spaces feel integral and familiar? In which, instead of consumption, people participate in leisure, and the experience of family vacation is intense and remembered. Private and public spaces are separated into two stacked groups. Public spaces are ground-level, while the rooms hover in the air. The public sphere has a vibrant character, the private sphere is contemplative.
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
The spaces between these two spheres are: curving tunnels, ramps in the air, a winding, levitating path, a fragmented staircase, a lobby with a reflecting garden and bar, a Mikado-like reception, and a Mediterranean blue net playscape.
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
The character of the public sphere is dynamic, full of unexpected collisions, frames, games of perception and existing suggestive structures that sprout out from the ground. Rooms grow their own landscapes. It’s busy down here and curiosity is rewarded as each wing reveals itself like pages of a pop-up book. Outdoor spaces create colorful scenes with many activities happening simultaneously.
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
Site Plan Diagram
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
新的几何图形,催眠景观和环境图形出现。这也是关于运动的-- 点闪烁在道路上,镜子,和在种植安排。走廊在户外逃逸,带你和它们一起走,而它们却成了从大陆上雕刻出鲜花、小山和游乐场的小径。
New geometries, hypnotic landscaping and environmental graphics appear. It’s about motion too – dots flicker on roads, mirrors, and in planting arrangements. Corridors escape outdoors, leading you with them, while they become paths carving out continents of flowers, hills and playgrounds. © Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
The outside appearance of the ground floor is characterized by a continuous reflective elevation, fragmenting the reflections of the forest, creating a kaleidoscopic effect and additionally widening the panorama of the large affiliated landscape.
Ground Floor Plan
The private sphere, with beautiful views of the Rovinj archipelago, is shockingly white. It is neutral, simple, mysterious and shaded from the sun with a transparent outdoor "curtain".
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
Playful elements on the wall inspire imagination and whiteness lets you think. This private, levitating object follows the shoreline with its organic shape and secures distant views towards the open sea and forest. The dynamic sequence of spatial and atmospheric excerpts activates children and parents in exploring intriguing games of perception, relationships between the whole and its parts, shapes, proportions, materials, light, shadow, scent and reflections.
Cross Section
阿玛琳:1000 人的露营者。下面是锯齿状的,上面是通风的。带你上蜿蜒的坡道,或者把你扔到山洞下面。白色与红土相遇,望向外看,一连串的点、线和曲线向一片松林微笑,入侵者也是一位朋友。从里面,在外面的森林里散步-- 从一只鸟或一只老鼠的角度看东西。
Amarin: a camper for 1000 people. Jagged underneath, airy up above. Taking you up its winding ramps, or dropping you off below in a land of caves. White meets red earth, looking out and looking in, a series of dots, lines and curves smiling at a pine forest, and intruder but also a friend. From inside, take a walk through the forest outside – see things from the perspective of a bird, or a mouse.
© Robert Leš
C.罗伯特·勒庞 (RobertLeš)
Architects STUDIO UP
Location Val de Lesso 5, 52210, Rovinj, Croatia
Category Hotels
Lead Architects Lea Pelivan, Toma Plejić
Landscape Design Ksenija Jurčić Diminić
Area 27046.0 m2Project Year 2016
Photographs Robert Leš