SOHO 3Q 合作空间 | 创新打造中国首个协同办公空间

2019/06/05 07:14:00
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SOHO 3Q 合作空间 | 创新打造中国首个协同办公空间-1
Project name: Soho 3Q Coworking Spaces
Architects / designers: anySCALE Architecture Design
Client: Soho China
Location: ChinaYear: 2019
Area: 115,791 sqm in total, 4,632 sqm average per project
Image credits: Jerry Yin, Xia Zhi, CreatAR, Soho China
项目名称:SOHO 3Q 合作空间
客户:SOHO 中国
位置:2019 年中国
年总面积:115,791 平方米,平均每个项目图像积分 4,632 平方米
杰瑞·殷,夏志,Creatar,SOHO 中国
For over 4 years, architecture and design company anySCALE has designed and developed 25 co-working spaces for SOHO 3Q with 115,791 sq.m. GFA, creating 18,000 workplaces. Behind the successful collaboration, one finds the two companies daring to make the first step forward into the future and innovations, not putting the basic values aside.
4 年多来,AnyScale 建筑设计公司为 SOHO 3Q 设计和开发了 25 处合作办公空间,面积 115,791 平方米。GFA,创造了 18,000 个工作场所。在成功的合作背后,人们发现这两家公司敢于向未来和创新迈出第一步,而不是把基本价值观放在一边。
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anySCALE is a renowned architecture and design company with an international background, with offices around China. Before starting the first project for SOHO 3Q, anySCALE has been engaged in a couple of projects for SOHO China. In 2014, the time has come for a completely different one – SOHO 3Q Coworking Spaces. It is a shared office community established the same year by SOHO China. With 30 locations around China, it offers open desks as well as private offices supported by shared spaces, and anySCALE is currently the main representative designer of this project. To achieve the set goals within narrow time limits, the common CI and layout standards have been developed to ease the design process, giving a strong and recognizable identity. More than 4 years of prolific collaboration resulted in a number of projects with various design solutions.
AnyScale 是一家具有国际背景的著名建筑设计公司,在中国各地设有办事处。在开始 SOHO 3Q 的第一个项目之前,AnyScale 已经为 SOHO 中国进行了几个项目。2014 年,一个完全不同的地方-SOHO 3Q 合作空间-- 的时候到了。这是一个共享的办公社区,同年由 SOHO 中国公司建立。它在中国各地设有 30 个办公地点,提供开放式办公桌和私人办公室,并由共享空间提供支持。AnyScale 目前是该项目的主要代表设计师。为了在狭窄的时间范围内实现既定目标,已经制定了通用的 CI 和布局标准,以简化设计过程,提供强大的和可识别的身份。经过 4 年多的多产合作,产生了许多具有各种设计解决方案的项目。
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Inception The idea of SOHO 3Q Coworking Spaces started in autumn 2014. Zhang Xin (CEO of SOHO China) and Pan Shi Yi (Chairman of SOHO China) visited some coworking spaces around the US, curious to see if the western model could be adapted to the Chinese market. Shortly after their US visit, they decided to test the market in China by initially creating two coworking spaces within their own properties, which were actually the first coworking spaces in China. anySCALE was selected to create the design.
SOHO 3Q 合作空间的概念始于 2014 年秋季。张鑫 (SOHO 中国首席执行官) 和潘施义 (SOHO 中国董事长) 参观了美国各地的一些合作空间,想看看这种西方模式能否适应中国市场。在他们访问美国后不久,他们决定在中国市场进行测试,最初在他们自己的房产中建立两个合作空间,这实际上是中国的第一个合作空间。选择 AnyScale 创建设计。
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"I remember Zhang Xin (the co-founder and CEO of SOHO China) called us on September 14th, short before October holidays, saying that they’ve got a task for us, but we have only 120 days to accomplish it. In 120 days, we had to design 2 complete projects and create a new product for SOHO 3Q, including the branding and visual identity, with no tender, we’ve just got the task from them. It was obvious as she knew, we were the only architects who were able to manage it in regards to the time restrictions." Andreas Thomczyk, anySCALE co-founder
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Andreas met Zhang Xin, Jerry Yin (Head Architect for SOHO China) and the rest of the top management of SOHO and was briefed on the new SOHO China 3Q concept.
安德烈亚斯会见了张鑫、尹杰利 (SOHO 中国首席建筑师) 和 SOHO 的其他高层管理人员,并听取了关于 SOHO 中国 3Q 新概念的简要介绍。
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"The briefing she gave us included a lot of technical details about the building, and she gave us only 3 words describing the style of the space she expects, which were “hip, warm and easy” and that’s it," Andreas says.
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SOHO’s strategy then was to build up coworking spaces in two locations simultaneously: Beijing (brand new Wangjing tower designed by Zaha Hadid) and Shanghai (Fuxing Plaza mix-use development designed by GMP), in order to test the Chinese market before committing to the new branch of business. From the first 2 locations developed for 120 days, in more than 4 years SOHO 3Q Coworking Spaces has grown to 30 locations, reflecting enormous growth of Chinese development and needs to work fast and smart.
随后,SOHO 的战略是在两个地点同时建立合作空间:北京 (Zaha Hadid 设计的全新王景楼) 和上海 (复兴广场混合使用开发 (由 GMP 设计),以便在致力于新的业务分支之前对中国市场进行测试。SOHO 3Q 合作办公空间从最初开发了 120 天的前 2 家,在 4 年多时间里发展到了 30 家,反映了中国发展的巨大增长,需要快速而聪明的工作。
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Typology of Spaces
More than 80% of all 3Q projects are housed in the existing SOHO properties. The trick was that initially all those spaces were designed to fulfill completely different functions, and now they had to be redesigned and adapted for the appropriate use from the original layout and to become attractive co-working spaces. This challenge makes for more creative solutions and fascinating design outcomes for realized projects.
在 3Q 项目中,超过 80% 的空间类型被安置在现有的 SOHO 物业中。诀窍是,最初,所有这些空间都是为了实现完全不同的功能而设计的,现在它们必须重新设计和调整,以便从原来的布局中得到适当的使用,并成为有吸引力的协同工作空间。这一挑战为已实现的项目提供了更有创意的解决方案和迷人的设计结果。
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The main kinds of property were shopping malls, office towers, and mix-use buildings. As a big developer in a highly competitive and fast-growing market, SOHO China faced challenges of unused spaces. Therefore, they had many spaces in their building which were available to be refurbished and transformed into coworking.
主要的物业有商场、办公楼和混合用途建筑。作为一个具有高度竞争力和快速发展的市场的大开发商,SOHO 中国面临着未使用空间的挑战。因此,他们的大楼里有许多空间,可以翻新和改造成整修。
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"In the US, at the beginning of the coworking spaces’ era, they’ve only used industrial buildings, when in China’s big cities, in top locations, there are not so many industrial buildings, so for this country, it was obvious to look from a different perspective." A. Thomczyk, anySCALE
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And that is exactly what they’ve done. anySCALE faced the main three redefinition challenges: while redesigning office floors of the upper-level office spaces, when turning shopping mall floors and retail podiums into coworking spaces, and bringing life to the underground ‘leftovers’, originally used for foodcourts or storage.
这正是他们所做的。AnyScale 面临着三个主要的重新定义挑战:当重新设计高层办公空间的办公楼层时,当将购物中心地板和零售平台转换成协同工作空间时,以及给地下的“剩菜”带来生命的时候,这些“剩饭”最初是用来做食品或储藏的。
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Upper-Level Refreshments
The most restrictive is the upper-level refurbishment. It’s a standard office floor with the low ceiling and common corporate lobbies, 6 to 8 elevators inside of the corridor and usually narrow spaces between the core and outside facade. Still, this space boasts ultimately great views. So, the first you need to do when you get to ‘restyle’ such a space is to knock down all the walls and take out the ceiling. To make it as spacious as possible and then remake it open and flexible, without losing efficiency. Here it’s of great importance not to make it look again the same as the standard office, with a bunch of tables in the open space. It’s important to employ a design that makes the use and functions of spaces intuitive for visitors, comfortable with all the places that are shared, both working spaces and lounge zones. The anySCALE team used these means for projects in Wangjing tower, which was actually the first of the two projects of 3Q, Hangzhou 3Q in a sparkling-new office building in the CBD, SOHO 3Q Coworking Spaces Shenzhen in a trendy seaside district Shekou, as well as Shanghai Tianshan and Donghulu.
高级茶点最严格的是高级装修。这是一个标准的办公室楼层,天花板很低,有普通的公司大厅,走廊内有 6 到 8 部电梯,核心和外墙之间的空间通常很窄。尽管如此,这片空间还是有着壮丽的景色。所以,当你“重新设计”这样的空间时,你首先要做的就是拆除所有的墙壁并拆除天花板。使它尽可能的宽敞,然后再使它开放和灵活,不失去效率。在这里,非常重要的是不要让它看起来像标准的办公室,在开放的空间里有一堆桌子。重要的是采用一种设计,使空间的使用和功能直观的游客,舒适的所有地方是共享的,包括工作空间和休息区。任何规模的团队都将这些手段用于王景楼的项目,这实际上是 3Q、杭州 3Q 在 CBD 一座闪闪发光的新办公楼、深圳 SOHO 3Q 在时髦的海滨地区蛇口以及上海天山和东葫芦这两个项目中的第一个。
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The challenges designers faced with Galaxy in the building with Zaha Hadid’s iconic architecture, and Fuxing Plaza, which was the first of the two projects of 3Q, located in bustling retail space in downtown Shanghai, were completely different, as here anySCALE team had to deal with the retail podiums.
With the development of online retail and its popularity in China, people tend to buy less in physical stores and malls in favor of online. Due to market changes, lots of shopping malls built before remain empty. For SOHO China, the advantageous solution was to turn the shopping mall space into coworking.
设计人员在大楼中面临的挑战与 ZahaHadid 的标志性建筑和 FuxingPlaza,这是位于上海市中心繁忙零售空间的第 3 季度第一个项目,这完全不同,因为这里的任何 SCALE 团队都必须处理零售讲台。随着网络零售的发展和在中国的普及,人们倾向于在实体商店和商场中购买更少,而不是网上购物。由于市场的变化,很多以前建造的购物中心仍然是空的。对于 SOHO 中国来说,有利的解决方案是将购物中心空间变成整流合体。
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"From an architect point of view, it is extremely interesting to design it. From a consumer point of view, it’s the same interesting and inspiring, as such places are ‘breathful’ with high ceiling level and very accessible and visible from the street. Bypassers see the people working inside of the building, and the overall design concept has to take into account the interconnection with the outer world." Andreas Thomczyk
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Retail Podiums
With the retail space redefinition project, it could be more opulent with shared facilities – designers can implement stages, and even create event spaces. From the first project of redesigning retail spaces in Fuxing Plaza to Nanjing, and Sanlitun Soho, which is already the 26th collaboration of 3Q and anySCALE, the design develops with the core ideas and solutions ‘evolutionized’ due to the experience.
零售平台与零售空间的重新定义项目,它可以更加华丽的共享设施-- 设计师可以实现阶段,甚至创建活动空间。从复兴广场到南京的第一个零售空间重新设计项目,以及三里屯 SOHO,已经是 3Q 和 AnyScale 的第 26 次合作项目,由于经验的积累,该设计以“进化”的核心理念和解决方案发展。
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Underground Left Overs
The most technically difficult spaces were underground leftovers, because of the colder ambiance of the space and the lack of natural light. The towers or properties usually have a huge basement used not only for Parking but also for storage or for a food-court. In the end, those foodcourts never happened, or the storage room has never been rented out.
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Basement normally has a very high ceiling, but still feels like a cave. Here the designers had to turn a huge “cave” into a lively place with a welcoming environment. Still, as a designer and architect, here you’ve got a lot more of freedom. The spaces like these demand exciting and sometimes even funny ideas, like going colorful and creating the themes which have nothing to do with the building itself or the city, as you are taken away from any connection to the neighborhood, and “separated from the world” upstairs. A designer is completely free to create something different. anySCALE remade the spaces below ground in Danling SOHO 3Q, Zhongguangcun, as well as Zhongshang Plaza in Shanghai turning 6000 sq.m. food-court into vibrant coworking space.
地下室通常有很高的天花板,但感觉还是像个洞穴。在这里,设计师们不得不把一个巨大的“洞穴”变成一个充满欢迎环境的生动活泼的地方。不过,作为一个设计师和建筑师,你在这里有更多的自由。像这样的空间需要令人兴奋的,有时甚至是有趣的想法,比如变得丰富多彩,创造与建筑本身或城市无关的主题,因为你被从与社区的任何联系中带走,在楼上“与世界分离”。设计师完全可以自由地创造不同的东西。在丹岭 SOHO 3Q,中广村,以及上海中上广场改造了地下空间 6000 平方米。美食场进入充满活力的合作空间。
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"Redefining the spaces was challenging, but that is really what we are proud of. We have found the design solutions that in the end created the inspiring and reviving space, with no pressure or flatness." A. Thomczyk, anySCALE
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Design Solutions The key pillars for creating the inspiring coworking spaces are splashes of color, open spacious areas, automation of the design processes and comfortable lighting for work.
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The color range used by anySCALE for the spaces follows the main color of SOHO China, which is white. In each 3Q space, a lot of white is used, with wooden, and concrete materials added to the ‘canvas’ palette. White has been supplemented by warm fresh colors, in the beginning, more by orange, yellow, red, and later designers added the fresh green, pink, blue tones. Further, for some of the projects, the style tended more to vintage.
空间的任何尺度所使用的颜色范围都遵循 SOHO 中国的主要颜色,即白色。在每个 3Q 空间,大量的白色被使用,与木制,混凝土材料添加到‘画布’调色板。白色已经补充了温暖的新鲜颜色,在开始,更多的橙色,黄色,红色,后来设计师添加了新鲜的绿色,粉红色,蓝色的色调。此外,对于一些项目,风格更倾向于复古。
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Compared to the US coworking style practice, which is more of a masculine type – heavy, dark and in rich woody manner, SOHO 3Q designers together with the Company itself, wanted to have a feminine design for the coworking, and also to fit with the Chinese market. In order to bring the airy and light temper, designers apply very light wood for each project – on the floor, on the walls, as well as for the custom build furniture. Moreover, anySCALE always starts with open ceilings, providing as much natural light as possible. It all starts with very simple industrial lighting. “Starts” means you cannot go a hundred percent with industrial lights,” A. Thomczyk explains, “as it’s getting too cold and uncomfortable, space needs the warmer lights to be added, more from the home environment.”
与美国的合作风格 (更多的是男性风格) 相比,SOHO 3Q 设计师和公司本身都想要一种女性化的合作设计,同时也要与中国市场相适应。为了带来通风和轻快的脾气,设计师为每一个项目应用非常轻的木材-- 在地板上,在墙上,以及定制的建筑家具。此外,任何尺度总是从开放的天花板开始,提供尽可能多的自然光。这一切都是从非常简单的工业照明开始的。“开始”意味着你不能百分之百地使用工业灯,“汤姆奇克解释说,”由于天气变得太冷和不舒服,空间需要增加温暖的灯光,更多来自家庭环境。“
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The average timeline for the design of each project, from initial conception to detailed design drawings, is usually around 50 days. A key element when designing in such a volume under tight timelines is to automate some of the design processes, which actually anySCALE team has developed.
从最初的构思到详细的设计图纸,每个项目的平均设计时间表通常在 50 天左右。在如此紧凑的时间范围内进行设计的一个关键要素是自动化一些设计过程,这实际上是 AnyScale 团队开发的。
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Simon Berg, director of anySCALE’s Shanghai office, who worked alongside with Andreas and managed the rest of the design team, explained how they have efficiently met the fast-paced demands of SOHO China.
Developing the SOHO 3Q corporate design meant that some items, such as certain furniture, materials or even meeting room layouts should be systemized.
Simon created a library of all the corporate identity items and layouts which could later be accessed by the staff and plugged into their CAD drawings.
“Obviously there were adaptations, but the principle remains the same,” Simon explains.“These design systems which ranged from furniture types to wallpaper and poster lists all helped us to work efficiently and fast.”
AnyScale 上海办事处主任西蒙·伯格 (SimonBerg) 与安德烈亚斯合作,管理着其他设计团队,他解释了他们如何有效地满足了 SOHO 中国的快速需求。开发 SOHO 3Q 公司设计意味着某些项目,如某些家具,材料,甚至会议室布局应该系统化。Simon 创建了一个包含所有企业身份项目和布局的库,工作人员可以访问这些项目和布局,并插入他们的 CAD 绘图。西蒙解释说:“显然有一些调整,但原则保持不变。”“这些设计系统从家具类型到壁纸和海报列表,都帮助我们高效、快速地工作。”
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"To keep things fresh and colorful we started to use much more wallpaper than in previous projects. We found out that the best way was to design our own wallpaper." The tight timelines meant it was not possible to deliver the selected wallpaper from overseas on time. Simon discovered that it was faster to create their own designs and have them printed locally. The same thing happened with the furnishings, as it is relatively easy to get custom made furniture in China, so besides wallpaper, the team created a bespoke furniture library too.
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The Future SOHO China is the pioneer to develop 3Q coworking spaces in China. Together with anySCALE’s reformative approach, the collaboration further influenced co-working development around China. Following the Corporate Identity developed by anySCALE, SOHO 3Q brings more ‘hip warm and easy’ concept to the entrepreneur world and start-up community on a nationwide scale.
未来 SOHO 中国是中国发展第 3 季度工作站的先锋。与任何 SCALE 的改革方法一起,合作进一步影响了中国的合作发展。在任何 SCALE 开发的企业身份之后,SOHO3Q 为企业家世界带来了更多的热情和轻松的概念,并在全国范围内启动社区。
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