

Stefano Dorata来自意大利罗马,是世界顶级的室内设计师。这位极具设计天赋的意大利人曾担任罗马大学建筑学院La Sapienza的研究员和讲师。Stefano Dorata, from Rome, Italy, is one of the worlds top interior designers. He was a fellow and lecturer at La Sapienza, school of architecture, university of Rome.
Stefano Dorata认为建筑是人情感的容器。每个建筑所具备的情感需要根据房子的位置和居住者的性格习惯通过熟练的技巧表达出来:靠近海洋更简单更自然,在农村更加旺盛,山上更浪漫。Stefano Dorata believes that architecture is the container of human emotion. The emotion of each building needs to be expressed through skillful skills according to the location of the house and the habits of its occupants: it is easier and more natural to be close to the sea, more vigorous in the countryside, and more romantic in the mountains.
对于Stefano Dorata来说,设计从来不是合理计算的结果,它揭示了直觉和冲动、与客户分享的愿景、对过去经验和感受的持续反思以及之前采用的解决方案。所以,Dorata的每个项目都会有不同的改变,但“简洁有序”永远是他在建筑和设计项目时寻求的心理和美学特征。For Stefano Dorata, design is never the result of rational calculation. It is the result of intuition and impulse, Shared vision with clients, constant reflection on past experiences and feelings, and solutions adopted before. As a result, Doratas projects vary from project to project, but "simplicity and order" are always the psychological and aesthetic characteristics he seeks in architecture and design projects.
Stefano Dorata在设计项目时,更倾向于将建筑元素,构图,功能和技术与和谐的共同点联系起来。他通过直观和实用的方式掌握了设计的艺术。2015年,Stefano Dorata获得了Andrew Martin国际室内设计年度大奖。他的项目是传统,文化和现代功能之间的完美结合,被称为“一次性的文物”。When designing the project, Stefano Dorata tends to connect architectural elements, composition, function and technology with the common ground of harmony. Stefano Dorata mastered the art of design in an intuitive and practical way. In 2015, Stefano Dorata won the Andrew Martin international interior design of the year award.His project is a perfect combination of traditional culture and modern functions, known as "disposable cultural relics".