


The children and adolescent´s psychiatric day care facility in Korbach had the aim of connecting the street and the natural green area with the building, Therefore, it was chosen the shape of a horseshoe, which, beyond embracings the public space, gets also as much sun light as possible. The project is planned on two sides of the plot, leaving the other two edges open. Thanks to this decision, the central courtyard is connected to the natural space and open to the surrounding. This patio serves as a communal area for the users, as well as for the inhabitants of the neighborhood. Here the children can play and work with their teachers during the day.
It consists of three areas: an outpatient clinic, a day clinic with 15 places and a small school run by the Hesse State Welfare Association. The shape of the culptural new building is design according to the the inner functions and to fulfill the users´ needs. The dynamism and rhythm of the interior spaces is reflected to the ceiling, which creats a bright and friendly atmosphere for the patients.