

The AvroKO-designed Maslow’s Mortimer House opens in London
With remote working on the up, a host of spaces are jostling for attention to accommodate the progressive work patterns of London’s creatives. Until now this has meant either leisure-focused membership clubs or corporate-lite co-working spaces, but Mortimer House is shaking things up.随着远程工作的增加,许多空间正在争取心,以适应伦敦创意的渐进式工作模式。到目前为止,这意味着,既不是以休闲为中心的会员俱乐部,要么是企业精巧的合作场所,但莫蒂默•霍斯却在动摇事情。
Billed as a premium workspace and wellbeing destination by founder Guy Ivesha, the seven storey Fitzrovia site presents itself as a work/life hub meant for both creating and unwinding. Led by the ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, a concept developed by the venue’s namesake — the American psychologist Abraham Maslow — the multipurpose setting is organised with theories surrounding human motivation and happiness in mind. As such, the sprawling space expands to include an all-encompassing gamut of work areas, a restaurant, a gym, yoga studio and a communal floor, set over four storeys.这座七层楼高的Fitzrovia网站被创始人盖伊·伊夫莎(Guy Ivesha)标榜为一个优质的工作场所和福利目的地,它将自己描绘成一个工作/生活中心,旨在创造和放松。在“需求等级”的领导下,由场地同名的美国心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)提出的概念-多用途设置-是由围绕着人类动机和幸福感的理论组织起来的。因此,这个庞大的空间扩展到了一个包罗万象的工作区域,一家餐厅,一间健身房,一间瑜伽工作室,还有一层四层楼的公共地板。
Global design outfit, AvroKO, has taken its cues from Maslow’s theory and applied it to the art deco building, with marble mosaics, plaster mouldings, and terracotta ceilings all uncovered and celebrated. Elsewhere, the ‘social belonging’ level of the Hierarchy is applied to co-working areas, where private spaces, bureaus and meeting rooms are arranged to aid productivity and social connection in equal measure. In the Living Room and Den, self-confidence and curiosity inform an aesthetic where both vintage furniture and modern furnishings by AvroKo, Twenty Twenty One and Gubi pepper an explorative floor that spans a central bar, mid-century library and an outdoor balcony.全球设计机构AvroKO从马斯洛的理论中汲取了它的线索,并将其应用于装饰艺术建筑,大理石马赛克、石膏模型和陶土天花板都被揭开并庆祝。在其他地方,等级的“社会归属感”层次适用于共同工作的地区,在这些领域,私人空间、局和会议室被安排在同等程度上帮助生产力和社会联系。在客厅和餐厅,自信和好奇心为您提供了一种审美体验,雅夫罗高(AvroKo)、21岁(21岁)和古比胡椒(Gubi Pepper)的复古家具和现代家具都是由雅夫罗科(AvroKo)、21岁和古比胡椒(Gubi Pepper)
Visitors seeking a literal taste of Maslow’s theories without the commitment of membership are welcomed to the ground floor Mortimer House Kitchen, headed by Lello Favuzzi and a series of guest chefs. Here, amongst mid-century interiors and newly added period-specific details, diners are served a menu of simple and vibrant Mediterranean dishes that spark levels of delight and contentment that Maslow would surely be proud of. §在没有会员承诺的情况下,寻求马斯洛理论的游客将来到由莱洛·法武齐(Lello Favuzzi)和一系列客座厨师领导的一楼摩梯末屋厨房(MortimHouse Kitchen)。在这里,在世纪中叶内部和新增加的特定时期的细节中,餐厅提供了一份简单而充满活力的地中海菜肴的菜单,这些菜谱激起了马斯洛一定会引以为豪的喜悦和满足。§