

Henrique Reinach和MauricioMendonça于1987年创立ReinachMendonçaArquitetos Associados。由Henrique和Mauricio开发的建筑始终以外形,轻巧和舒适为准则。他们认为,对空间进行适当的控制可有效利用阳光,并进行正确的温度控制。
Henrique Reinach and Mauricio Mendonçastarted Reinach Mendonça Arquitetos Associados in 1987. The architecturedeveloped by Henrique and Mauricio always have had, as guidelines, the respectof form, light and comfort. They believe that adequate control between full andempty results in effective use of sunlight, as well as in the correcttemperature control.
With a contemporary language, greatattention is given to circulation and exterior openings, creating pleasurablespaces to see, be and walk through.
During the first 15 years, the firm hasmanaged and built a great deal of its own projects, thus obtaining real masteryon the worksite and in regards to building costs.
They won first place in the 1993 YoungArchitects Prize – IAB/SP in the category “completed buildings” and, in thesame year, they were the highlights of the Second São Paulo InternationalArchitecture Biennale and International Biennial of Quito. In the years 1996,2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2008 they received honorable mention awardsfrom AsBEA (Brazilian Association of Architecture Firms)
In 1999, the duo took part in theexhibition Brazil Still Builds of the Architectural Association, in London. In2005 and 2009, they delivered a lecture at the Buenos Aires Biennial andreceived, in 2006, the first prize at the Brasília Biennale of Architecture.