Pakhusene (in English 'the Warehouses') brings the sharing economy into the development of residential and office buildings. The result is a sustainable building based on community, benefiting businesses, locals and the city in general.
Teeming with life from early morning to late into the evening Pakhusene is a striking and innovative construction project in eastern Aarhus; striking by virtue of its stringent lines, tactile brick facades and 40,000 square metres, and innovative by virtue of its focus on harnessing the many possibilities of the sharing economy, making it a sustainable powerhouse focused on community. It is a powerhouse that is teeming with life from early morning to late into the evening, and it is also the first building of the new harbour district to be awarded DGNB Gold certification.
Shares a wide range of facilities Inspired by the sharing economy, companies and residents have the opportunity to share a wide range of facilities such as a fitness centre with a sauna, harbour bathing area, canteen, meeting rooms and a large roof terrace. In the weekends, the meeting rooms can even be booked for social events, and the same goes for the canteen, which has already been used for weddings and confirmations. The overarching focus has been to design a building that is more than the sum of its parts and creates new possibilities for the development of the new harbour district.
Inspireret af havnens pakhuse Mens det i sit indhold er tilpasset det moderne arbejdsliv, så er Pakhusene i sit udtryk tilpasset havnen som kontekst – klimatisk og kulturelt. Med pakhuset som typologi har Pakhusene således hentet inspiration i den arkitektur, der kendetegnet det klassiske havnemiljø, men omsat typologien til et moderne udtryk – på én gang solidt forankret og åbent inviterende i sit udtryk. Med sin teglarkitektur er Pakhusene samtidig tilpasset det hårdføre klima på havnen, så det fremstår lige så smukt i morgen som i dag.