Elderly people need places with happy and active atmoshphere. A place that reminds them of how important they are in this world. Usually when it comes to places for old people, the first thing that comes to our mind is elderly house. A house that usually limits them and make them believe that they are useless. For this project we emphesized that Parishani house is not an elderly house, but a house for elderly people. Unless elderly houses that people put their old parents there, Parishani is a place that older people choose to visit each day! They join to the club, create communities, talk and laugh with eachother. and share great moments together and forget about the outer world and how people mistakably think that their time has gone.
Parishani house and elderly people understand each other because they're experiencing the same tragedy. Being abandoned by the people they love. But life goes on and you should live it to the fullest!