


The space of the assembly is defined by a folded roof that emerges in the integration of two sections, where the first suggests a congregation space with a more horizontal access ratio that invites entry, and then, once inside, a space that rises towards the presbytery where a section of vertical proportions is developed, emphasizing the relationship between heaven and earth.
The space frames the mass of existing vegetation, making this landscape close to a reinterpretation of the catechetical content of the traditional stained glass windows in the Catholic temples, being in this case the man-nature relationship the subject of reflection. The external interior relationship raises different degrees of openness that filter the light, open or veil the landscape with mobile and fixed lattices, as well as leading winds prevailing in the interior.
The materials linked to the ground are stone, concrete and baked brick, while the roof emphasizes the relationship with the sky using a metallic structure and lightweight enclosure materials such as asphalt and wood.