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2021/10/26 10:08:47
▼项目与周边环境鸟瞰,aerial view of the project and surrounding environment© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
历经 20 余载的沉淀与酝酿,粤港澳大湾区这一世界级城市群终于在 2016 年伊始,于珠江三角洲之畔露出她的躁动与激情。就在同一年,深圳宣布建造深圳国际会展中心(英文简称:Shenzhen World)这一关系城市群未来发展、同时提升城市功能和形象的重大标志性工程。为了打造具有划时代意义的“全球第一大会展中心”,来自世界不同国度的 20 多家知名建筑设计公司“百花齐放”。最终,法国 VP 建筑设计事务所(以下简称:VP)凭借令人耳目一新的建筑概念和设计策略脱颖而出,并在短短的三年时间里与各方团队紧密协作,以“深圳速度”让一座集独特建筑形态、丰富的立体人车分流交通网络和绿色智慧的运营模式于一体的世界级国际交流平台在“世界窗口”开出新时代的鲜花。
After more than 20 years of hard work, the Greater Bay Area, a world-class megalopolis, finally revealed its great passion and aspirations in the Pearl River Delta at the beginning of 2016. In the same year, Shenzhen announced the construction of Shenzhen World, a huge landmark project aimed to promote the development of the city cluster and improve its image and positioning. In order to construct the greatest convention and exhibition center, one that would mark an important milestone, over 20 famous architectural design firms from different countries were contending for its design. Eventually, the French Company, Valode & Pistre (VP for short), stood out thanks to its refreshing architectural concept and design. In just three years, they worked hard with all other teams and finished the project at “Shenzhen speed”. The world-class exchange platform combines its unique architectural form with an advanced three-dimensional traffic network that separates pedestrians and vehicles, suffused with green wisdom.
▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the project © 法国VP建筑设计事务所
驼铃古道丝绸路,胡马犹闻唐汉风。从远古走来,丝绸之路始终是中西方文明相互传播、互为融合的“无路之路”;而站在当下瞭望未来,她更是今日中国走向世界的新起点、新思路。那么,如何用设计来构筑镶嵌于“一带一路”轴心城市上面向世界的窗口,表达高远的战略定位,成为 VP 首要思考的问题。面对约 160 万平方米的超大体量,VP 综合考量了城市特色、自然环境与人文符号,决定以简约、高效的现代主义理念和国际常用的“鱼骨式”布局结构,来演绎“海上丝路”的磅礴气势。
On the ancient silk road rang the camel bells, The Tang and Han winds spread the neighing of Hu horses. Since ancient times, the silk road has been used to connect and disseminate Chinese and western civilizations. In the long term, it also serves as a starting point and a new way out to the world. So the first question facing VP was how to design the “window on the world” in this key city, in order to highlight its strategic positioning in response to the Belt and Road Initiative. To build the hub as large as 1,600,000 square meters, VP considered all of the urban features, natural environment and humanistic symbols, and decided to interpret the grandeur of the Maritime Silk Road with a modernist concept of simplicity, efficiency and an internationally-recognized “fish bone” layout.
▼“鱼骨式”布局结构,modernist concept of simplicity, efficiency and an internationally-recognized “fish bone” layout© 法国VP 建筑设计事务所
为了重塑深圳的“第五立面”,为这座充满活力的现代城市增添一张全新的城市名片,VP 的国内外设计团队历时一年多,先后打磨了 100 多个屋面设计版本,最终呈现的蓝紫色海浪型屋面和蜿蜒其中的彩色丝带花纹,具象地诠释出“海上丝路”的深厚寓意。殊不知,象征着热情的深圳市花簕杜鹃与“海岸卫士”红树林被巧妙地融入设计中,成为独具特色的建筑语言:簕杜鹃原产巴西,暗合了深圳的开放与包容,而勾勒展厅屋面造型,描绘展馆立面细节的红树枝干,同样撑起了深圳的城市精神。有趣的是,红树林并非红色,而是由 10 多种珍贵树种组成的绵延于城市海岸线上的一道道绿色屏障。在 Shenzhen World 硕大的屋檐下,扑面而来绿意如期而至,吐露芳华。
In order to reshape Shenzhen’s “fifth elevation” and add a brave new calling card to this vibrant city, VP’s domestic design teams spent more than a year creating over 100 versions of roof design. The blue and purple roof in the shape of waves and a winding colorful ribbon pattern figuratively interpret the deep meaning of the Maritime Silk Road. It is hard to imagine that bougainvillea, the city flower of Shenzhen (a symbol of enthusiasm), mangroves, and the coast guard are all integrated into the design, creating a unique architectural language. Bougainvillea originates from Brazil, and embodies the openness and inclusiveness of Shenzhen, while the mangrove trunks draw the outline of the exhibition hall. The building’s facades manifest the urban spirit of Shenzhen.Interestingly, mangroves are not red, but consist of rows of green barriers made of 10 precious trees along the coastline. Under the huge roof of Shenzhen World, everyone will be intoxicated by the aroma of these green trees.
▼蓝紫色海浪型屋面和蜿蜒其中的彩色丝带花纹,The blue and purple roof in the shape of waves and a winding colorful ribbon pattern © 法国VP建筑设计事务所
深圳是一座天然的绿色之都。《深圳传》中有言:“在这块不大的温暖湿润的土地上,50%的土地被草木覆盖,已记载的植物有 2979 种,超过整个欧洲大陆。”作为“全球最大会客厅”,Shenzhen World 饱含丰富的绿色智慧,为深圳打造“绿色建筑之都”锦上添花。
Shenzhen is a naturally green city. "50% of this warm and humid area is covered by 2,979 varieties of plants, surpassing the continent of Europe", citing the Biography of Shenzhen. As the world’s largest reception hall, Shenzhen World also possesses green wisdom, adding the icing on the cake for this green city.
▼海浪型屋面,Wave roof© 法国VP建筑设计事务所
▼描绘展馆立面细节的红树枝干,Mangrove branches detailing the facade of the pavilion© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
“鱼骨式”中脊下,VP 用一条城市景观带作为城市绿肺,连接城市公园,将会展核心区划分为左右两部分,左侧为会展中心,右侧设置商住区,为展馆提供优化配套服务,地下空间则可作为公共交通枢纽和停车场。在这里,绿茵草木贯穿空间的始终,建筑与自然和谐共生。
VP has designed a landscape belt as the green lungs of the city, which connects the park and divides the core area into two halves, with the exhibition section on the left, and the commercial and residential section on the right. The underground space is used for public transportation and serves as a parking lot. Green grass and trees can be seen everywhere, manifesting the harmonious coexistence of buildings and nature.
▼展馆入口,entrance of the exhibition section
© 法国VP建筑设计事务所
▼海浪型屋面下的室外廊道,Outdoor corridor under wave-shaped roof© 法国VP 建筑设计事务所
除了肉眼可见的“绿色”之外,VP 还运用了 52 项全球领先的绿建技术,使之成为全球首个三绿色认证(国家绿色建筑二星级、LEED-NC 金级、英国 BREEAM 三星级)的顶级绿色展馆。比如在中央廊道的设计上,团队经过多轮模拟测试,确保了大屋顶在没有安装空调的半开放环境下依旧可以遮阳、防雨,并保持良好的通风。
▼绿建技术分析图,diagram© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
In addition, VP has utilized 52 of the world’s leading green technologies, creating the world’s top green pavilion with 3 green certificates (National Green Building Two star, LEED-NC Gold, UK BREEAM Three star). For example, the central corridor was designed by the team to ensure its large roof can block both sunlight and rain, and keep good ventilation in a semi-open environment without air conditioning.
▼中央廊道概览,overall of the central corridor © 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
▼兼具灵活性和功能性的双层通行系统,Flexible and functional two-tier system
© 法国VP建筑设计事务所
▼二层平台,the second floor of the central corridor© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
▼二层平台配有电车和快速步行电梯,the second floor is equipped with trams and fast walking elevators© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
当然,国际一流的绿色实践不仅体现在建筑本身的节水、节电、降低能耗上,更主要的是它所展现的全生命周期思维和设计师对未来运营的前瞻性思考。以展厅规模为例,VP 坚持依照欧洲惯常的两万平方米的展厅尺度,并从布展角度,结合国外设计经验,为之度身定制了“可循环展台”——在桁架结构上设计一层钢丝网架,使展台可以挂起来——让生态友好型设计开启未来中国绿色循环的展会之路。
Of course, the international first-class green practices are not only reflected in the water saving, power saving and reduced energy consumption of the building itself, but also in the designers’ visionary thinking on life cycle and future operation. Take the scale of the exhibition hall: VP has adhered to the usual European 20,000 square meters of exhibition scale, and tailored a “recyclable booth” that combines foreign design experience for exhibition purposes – comprising a layer of wire mesh on the truss structure – to allow the ecologically friendly design usher in a new era of green cycle exhibitions in China.
▼生态友好的绿色空间,Eco-friendly green space© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
如果说展馆是承载各类信息与虚实物品的舞台,那么从四面八方慕名前来的观展人群便是它的灵魂所在。为避免人们陷入大型展馆内“走断腿”,或是盲目寻找的境地,VP 一开始就采用“化整为零”的方式,从设计上将大尺度、大构件的建筑转化成小尺度、人性化的体验。
If the exhibition hall is a stage bearing all kinds of information, as well as both real and virtual items, then the visitors who have come from near and far will be its soul. In order to avoid people falling into the situation of “walking themselves off their feet” in the large exhibition hall, or blindly wandering around, VP adopted the method of “breaking up the whole into parts” from the very beginning. They transformed all large scale and large components into a smaller, more human experience.
▼展馆内部概览,interior of the exhibition hall© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
▼采用“化整为零”的方式,从设计上将大尺度、大构件的建筑转化成小尺度、人性化的体验,large scale and large components into a smaller, more human experience© 法国VP建筑设计事务所
▼波浪型屋顶内部灯光效果,Wavy roof interior lighting effect© 法国VP建筑设计事务所
在足以覆盖 106 个标准足球场的金属屋顶下,19 个“多功能复合型”展厅串联在长达 1.75 公里的中央廊道周围。VP 开辟出六个出入口和南北两个登录大厅,使得参观人群从登录大厅到目标展厅最远的行走距离基本保持在 500 米以内。出于人性化的考量,VP 设计了兼具灵活性和功能性的双层通行系统,高达 8 米的中央廊道二层平台配有电车和快速步行电梯;首层为慢行系统,人们可以在绿化带周边休息、交流和娱乐。
Under the metal roof, enough to cover 106 standard football fields, 19 multifunctional exhibition halls are connected in series around the 1.75-km central corridor. VP has laid out six entrances and two entry halls from the north and south, so that the farthest walking distance for visitors from the entry hall to the target exhibition hall is always kept within 500 meters. For humanistic reasons, VP has designed a flexible and functional dual traffic system. Two tiers of platforms on the 8-meter-high central corridor are equipped with trams and fast walking elevators. The first floor is a slow traffic system, where people can rest, chat and entertain around the green belt.
▼带有阶梯座位的大型展厅,large exhibition hall with stepped seating© 法国VP 建筑设计事务所
观众得以轻松、舒适地“一日观遍全球物”,少不了国际化团队专业、高效、紧密地协作与付出。由 Denis Valode 先生和 Jean Pistre 先生创立于 1980 年的 VP 是法国唯一一家拥有自己的钢结构、幕墙、室内以及施工图设计团队的建筑事务所。正因高品质的一体化服务,才能在短短三年时间,实现这一凸显“深圳速度”的鸿篇巨制。同时,VP 与深圳欧博一起带领不同国家几百名建筑师从创意到落地,把握每一寸细节,让每一位使用者感受到项目带来的“震撼”和“温度”。此外,带有穿孔、层次分明的立面设计,中央廊道盒子边缘的圆弧形处理以及简洁清晰、又富有地方特色的交通指向,全方面提升了人们的逛展体验。
Visitors can comfortably “see things from all over the world just in one day” thanks to the professional, efficient and close cooperation between the international teams. Founded in 1980 by Mr. Denis Valode and Mr. Jean Pistre, VP is the only architectural firm in France with its own steel structure, curtain wall, interior and construction drawing design teams. It is their high quality and integrated service offering that made it possible for the project to be finished within three years. At the same time, VP and AUBE Conception have led hundreds of architects from different countries to handle every detail from its creation to construction, so that every visitor can feel the “awe” and “temperature” brought by the project. In addition, the design of the perforated, well-arranged facade, the arc-shaped edge of the central corridor box, and the clear and simple traffic direction signs are full of local characteristics and will make people’s visits more enjoyable.
▼带有穿孔、层次分明的立面设计,the perforated, well-arranged facade© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
纵观 VP 40 余年的设计历程,会展恰恰是这所“欧洲十大著名设计事务所之一”引以为豪的设计领域。在全球愈 490 平方米的会展实践中,凡尔赛门展览中心、巴黎展览集团 4 号展厅、巴黎展览集团 5 号展厅和摩洛哥扎迪达展览中心的设计令人印象深刻,颜值与实力双高的 Shenzhen World 更是刷新了八项世界之最。除此之外,武汉天河国际会展中心、济南绿地国际博览城会展中心、杭州大会展中心和南京空港会展中心的问世,无不给所在城市和区域带来惊人的回馈。值得一提的是,对于每一个具体的项目,VP 都会结合过往经验和实际的经济发展需求进行“量体裁衣”,而不是单纯地追求数量和规模。
Looking back on more than 40 years of design history, VP, one of Europe’s top ten design firms, takes pride in the design of exhibition centers. With global exhibition experience for centers of more than 430 square meters, the designs of the Versailles Exhibition Center, Exhibition Halls 4 and 5 of the Paris Exhibition Group, and the Zadida Exhibition Center of Morocco are impressive, while Shenzhen World has set 8 world records with its strength and beauty. In addition, the advent of the Wuhan Tianhe International Convention and Exhibition Center, the Jinan Greenland International Expo City Convention and Exhibition Center, the Hangzhou Grand Convention and Exhibition Center, and the Nanjing Airport Convention and Exhibition Center have all brought amazing feedback to the cities and regions. It is worth mentioning that VP will tailor each specific project by combining past experience with actual economic development needs, rather than simply pursuing quantity and scale.
▼项目与周边环境夜景鸟瞰,night view of the project and surrounding environment© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
▼项目夜景鸟瞰,night view of the project© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
此际,从 Shenzhen World 这座承载着新时代“海上丝路”梦想的世界窗口中,我们已然清晰地看见不同文明、不同地域、不同专业的人朝着同一个方向牵引着深圳和粤港澳大湾区,走向世界、驶向未来。
At the moment, through Shenzhen World, the window on the world that bears the dream of the “Maritime Silk Road” for a new era, we have clearly seen people of different civilizations, from different regions, of different backgrounds leading Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the same direction: towards the world and a prosperous future.
▼总平面功能布局图示,master plan© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
▼标准展厅面积对比图示,Standard exhibition hall area comparison diagram© 法国 VP 建筑设计事务所
设计联合体:法国 VP 建筑设计事务所,深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司
建筑面积:160 万平方米
室内展览面积:40 万平方米
竣工年份:2019 年
巴黎创始人:Denis Valode, Jean Pistre
中国合伙人 & 总经理:宋国鸿
中国设计总监:Leonardo Mariani, 刘毅, Khaled Khamallah
中国设计团队:张静雯、余安琪、徐泽华、Irina Valentina Duma,David de la Fuente Burguera,肖遥、张萌、庸国龙、王丹、李静思、韦姣艺、涂婷婷、董恩浩、Ayk Martirosyan、李强、袁平、魏莱、申远、曲晓峰、李亚平、马翊博、陈禹真、董宇曦
结构设计:Nicholas Green, Nicolas Bouchet, Christiana Sachini, Dimitri Frank, Lucie Vongoc, Thomas Souchon, Geoffrey Marion
室内设计:Valerie Poli, Stephane Renaud, Jean-Pierre Collas, Marine Mendes, Stephane Benoist
标识设计:Gabriel Pistre, Dominique Pierzo
Project information: Construction firm: Shenzhen Zhaohua International Convention and Exhibition Development Co., Ltd Design consortium: Valode & Pistre, AUBE Conception Total construction area: 1,600,000 square meters Indoor exhibition area: 400,000 square meters Year of completion: 2019 Paris founder: Denis Valode, Jean Pistre Partner & China General Manager: Song Guohong China Design Director: Leonardo Mariani, Liu Yi, Khaled Khamallah China Design Team: Zhang Jingwen, Yu Anqi, Xu Zehua, Irina Valentina Duma,David de la Fuente Burguera, Xian Yao, Zhang Meng, Yong Guolong, Wang Dan, Li Jingsi, Wei Jiaoyi, Tu Tingting, Dong Enhao, Ayk Martirosyan、Li Qiang, Yuan Ping, Wei Lai, Shen Yuan, Qu Xiaofeng, Li Yaping, Ma Yubo, Chen Yuzhen, Dong Yuxi Structural design: Nicholas Green, Nicolas Bouchet, Christiana Sachini, Dimitri Frank, Lucie Vongoc, Thomas Souchon, Geoffrey Marion Interior design: Valerie Poli, Stephane Renaud, Jean-Pierre Collas, Marine Mendes, Stephane Benoist Logo design: Gabriel Pistre, Dominique Pierzo Operation: SMG Exhibition: JWC Curtain wall consultant: SUP-HUA NA Floodlighting: Da Guan International Acoustic consultant: Huang Zhanchun Other contributors: Ducks, Zhuo zhan, Xili, Nord, Shenzhen Construction Science, China Academy of Architectural Sciences, Shenzhen Communication and research center, the Academy of Railway Science, South China University of Technology, Shenzhen Planning Institute, Huacheng Dong An
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