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曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所

2021/10/29 14:54:10
“Come on, Calm on”景观花园是ThongEk创意社区计划中的一个新项目,旨在表现出人们面对新设计与更多设计可能性时的开放与包容的态度。项目以自然为手段,通过在空间中举办一系列具有疗愈性的活动,来缓解人们对当今混乱的世界产生出的焦虑。
‘Come on, Calm on’, a new project under ThongEk Creative Neighborhood that represents how people can ‘open’ to the new possibilities in design, to overcome the world of today’s chaos through the healing process using nature as a means.
▼项目概览,overall of the project ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-3
▼“疗愈花园”概念,concept of “Therapeutic Garden” ©Shma Company Limited
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-6
It is undeniable that the lifestyle of urban residents has gradually changed over time. Initially, people were fundamentally connected to nature. Being connected and surrounded by nature allows us to feel relaxed and calm but with the current world situation, the present way of life cuts people off from nature. With little access to green areas plus the hustle and bustle of urban society, people are exposed to stress that can accumulate easily and quickly over time. According to research by the University of Exeter, stress can be reduced by interacting with nature at least 2 hours a week.
▼项目外观,appearance ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-9
▼花园入口 – 玻璃门,entrance of the garden made of mirror ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-11
▼半透明围合材质,Translucent enclosing material ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
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▼公园尺度与结构分析,scales and structure ©Shma Company Limited
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For this reason, Shma would like to present a ‘gate’ to the garden room. Stress can be dealt with by nature. Introducing a “Therapeutic Garden” designed to be a pocket space to relieve stress on a tiring day. This form of landscaping aims to balance the body, mind, and spirit in a stable state where it uses 70% of nature and 30% of hardscape allowing humans who visit the space to relax through all their 5 senses relieving the accumulated stress from the fast-paced urban lifestyle.
▼内部概览,overall of interior ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-19
▼活动场景,event scenario ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
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▼花园以自然植物为主、硬质景观为辅, The garden is dominated by natural plants ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
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▼生态与植物分析,ecological solutions and plants list ©Shma Company Limited
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Adopting the use of healing plants starting from using flowering plants to create colors that has the ability to invoke insects, such as happiness, Arachnothryx leucophylla, pink and white Ruellia tuberosa, Verbena, Crape Myrtle, Ash bush or Purple sage. As well as using ones that can be used for cooking such as basil, lemon grass, dill, calamint, Coromandel, chinese violet, and kidney plant. Answering to meet the issue of food security in the society. Moreover, aromatic plants like pandan leaves, Rajawadee, Gardenia, day-blooming cestrum or even Ellwood’s Gold are also used to generate a relaxing atmosphere.
▼具有疗愈作用的植物,adopting the use of healing plants ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-29
▼植物细部,details of plants ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
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曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-32
In addition, Shma believes that the idea of Therapeutic Garden can also be applied to each individual’s personal space whether it is a bedroom balcony or adapted to one’s landscaping style to their homes. This idea can be implemented and acclimated to each individual to help relieve stress and get them prepared for the chaos of the next day.
▼建造过程,construction ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-36
▼夜景,night view ©Napon Jaturapuchapornpong
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曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-39
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-40
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-42
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-43
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-44
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-45
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-46
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-47
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-48
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-49
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-50
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-51
曼谷“疗愈花园”丨泰国曼谷丨Shma 事务所-52
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