


Neumann/Smith Architecture was engaged by Oakland University to complete the design for Oak View Residence Hall located in Rochester Hills, Michigan.
Oak View Residence Hall provides new housing options to support Oakland University’s recruitment goals, to help retain students in their first two years of college, and to enhance the perception of the campus as a full service, living/learning environment.
The quad is specifically designed for gathering space. An entry plaza provides open space for flexible exterior uses for special events, concerts and group activities. A lower plaza area includes hammocks and a small patio for special events. The main plaza adjacent to the second floor lounges provides shade trees and moveable seating options near the central café and convenience store.
A central lobby and lounge area is provided to unite all residents. A central café and sundry shop provides refreshments and provisions, while a lounge with a large screen TV creates a gathering space to watch the big Golden Grizzlies game. A central reception desk, mail center and two management offices provide essential services and after hour access control.
Horizontal silver sun shades protect large window south facing window openings in the lounge and will offer panoramic views of the campus and wooded ravine.
Achieving LEED Gold status, Oak View offers bike racks, preferred parking for low-emission vehicles and shielded light fixtures.
Architect: Neumann/Smith Architecture
Photography: Justin Maconochie
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