America Educators 4 Public institutions Office
位置:美国 纽约
设计团队:Kati Curtis Design
Kati Curtis Design设计团队为美国非营利教育培训机构Educators 4 Excellence,在纽约打造了一间新办公室。利用公司的苹果LOGO,Curtis设计师设想出了一个缀满苹果的天花板,来欢迎刚刚走出电梯的来访者们。对于该公司来说,团队协作是非常重要的,因此新办公室里的休息室和协作区都被布置的很舒适,员工们可以把这里当作即兴会议室,或者带着笔记本电脑到这里办公。
Kati Curtis Design has created the new offices of educational non-profit Educators 4 Excellence located in New York City.Capitalizing on the company’s apple logo, Curtis imagined a “ceiling of thousands of apples” that welcomes visitors as they enter off the elevator. Teamwork is key for this company, so lounge and collaborative areas were created to provide comfortable impromptu meeting spaces or a spot to work with your laptop.
A “picnic table” in the café provides power for plugging in laptop computers and charging cell phones while doing double-duty not only as a place to eat lunch, but as a conference table for meetings. Conference rooms are equipped with the latest conferencing technology to keep this national support organization connected at all times, and private phone rooms provide acoustical and visual privacy for confidential calls.
美国Educators 4公益机构办公室室内实景图