

England Stack Exchange’s Corporate Office
设计师:Peldon Rose
Stack Exchange是一家网络社交网站公司,该公司的业务范围很广泛,从编程、烹饪,一直到摄影和游戏题材。此外,它还经营Stack Overflow这个免费为人们提供编程帮助的专业论坛。这家公司的办公室遍布美国甚至欧洲,比如纽约、丹佛、柏林以及伦敦。
设计师Peldon Rose说:“为了使这个办公室能够促进员工们之间的交流,我们采用开放式的平面布局,打造出这个明亮的具有现代感的接待区,还有那个带着咖啡吧的等候区。这里同时还可以作为非正式的会议区使用。那个采用自助餐风格布置座位的茶点区十分宽敞,还设置了可折叠的餐桌以及视频播放设备,因此这里具有多功能的用途,员工们可以在这里吃午饭,或者脱离工作桌的束缚到这里做事,他们甚至可以在这里探讨商量一些非正式的事情。为了能够促进员工们的互动,我们还在这里设置了一个游戏室,人们可以在这里休憩,让脑子放松放松。”
Stack Exchange is a network of community-driven websites that covers diverse topics from programming to cooking to photography and gaming. It also operates Stack Overflow, a forum where professional programmers give away help for free. The company has offices across the U.S and Europe in cities such as: New York, Denver, Berlin and London.
“To enable natural communication throughout the office, we created a bright, contemporary open plan front of house reception and waiting area with coffee bar.A large tea point was created with cafeteria-style seating, folding tables and an AV booth, allowing for multiple usages and configurations. Not only could staff use this at lunchtime or working away from their desk, they could also hold seminars and informal events here too. To encourage further staff interactions, we created a games room within the office so staff can take a break, for a fresh state of mind”, said Peldon Rose
英国Stack Exchange公司办公室室内实景图
英国Stack Exchange公司办公室室内局部实景图
英国Stack Exchange公司办公室室内会议室实景图