

America Motley Fool Offices
位置:美国 弗吉尼亚
设计团队:FORM Architects
FORM Architects设计团队,为位于弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市的Motley Fool公司运营部门,设计了一间新的办公室。Motley Fool是一家专业的金融投资研究公司,其公司箴言是”培训、娱乐和提升“,也正是在此基础上,我们为他们打造了这间创新式的办公空间。
培训区:这一空间,主要是为Motley Fool公司的资产管理团队设计的。在接待处的墙壁上,我们专门挂上了一张带有世界各地货币符号的地图。娱乐区:这里采用明亮的颜色和款式,配上非同一般的材料,还有混合式的家具和织物,以及时髦的灯饰在木板墙壁上投下的虚幻的LOGO图标,这一切都让这里显得可爱又有趣。提升区:在这个相对较小的空间里,我们打造了一种灵活多变的办公环境:开放式的天花板,配上大大的开放式的工作区域,起到了鼓励人们多进行交流和沟通的作用。
FORM Architects have developed a new office design for The Motley Fool’s Alexandra, Virginia operations.The Motley Fool is a financial investment research firm whose motto is to “Educate, Amuse and Enrich,” which is exactly what we aimed to accomplish in the design of their new space.
Educate: This space was built for a division of The Motley Fool, The Motley Fool Asset Management team (MFAM). This is shown with a wall installation in the reception area of a map of the world represented in each country’s currency.Amuse: Bright color palette with unexpected materials, mix-matched furniture pieces and fabrics, funky light fixtures, ghosted logo on slat wall create fun and interesting spaces and experiences.Enrich: Provided a combination of flexible work environments within a relatively small space: Large open work area with open ceiling encourages communication and interaction.
美国Motley Fool办公室室内实景图
美国Motley Fool办公室室内会议室实景图
美国Motley Fool办公室室内过道实景图
美国Motley Fool办公室室内办公区实景图
美国Motley Fool办公室室内前台实景图