

人生不过短短三万天,工作就要占掉一半。作为可能要打工到 80 岁的资深闲鱼,没有什么可以阻止我们原地躺平。不过如果办公室比家还舒服,似乎 996、007 也就没那么面目可憎了。毕竟一个张弛有度的工作环境,才能让打工人更愉快地摸鱼工作。所以老板们必须要明白这个道理,只有打工人心情好了,工作效率才会像火箭,嗖嗖嗖窜到太空!
Life is just 30,000 days, while work takes up half of it. As a couch potato who may have to work until 80 years old, there is nothing to stop us from slacking off sometimes. But, if the office is more comfortable than home, it seems that working from 9am to 9pm 6 days a week is not so odious. After all, a relaxed work environment is able to make the workers work more happily. The bosses must know that as long as the workers are in a good mood, they will have high efficiency more easily.
知名企业 ASA(亚细亚)瓷砖在 90 年代进入到香港市场后,当初为了更好地进行管理,展厅与办公空间一直紧密关联。随着品牌升级需要,企业期望为消费者带来更好的产品体验的同时,也为公司员工营造更好工作环境。2021 年,OFT 设计用设计帮助 ASA 瓷砖进行品牌升级。这次品牌升级主要分为两步:一是展厅升级,二是办公升级。在展厅设计中,OFT 设计构建了“生活方式展览”的消费新体验;而在办公空间中,OFT 设计则以“社交与共享”、“复合与集成”作为空间新的命题,让打工人工作和摸鱼两不误。After the well-known company ASA Tile entered the Hong Kong market in the 1990s, the showroom and office space have been closely related to each other for better management at the beginning. With the need to upgrade the brand, the company expected to bring better product experience to consumers while also wanting to create a better working environment for the company’s employees. In 2021, Oft Interiors help ASA Tile carry out a brand upgrade. This brand upgrade is divided into two main steps: one is the showroom upgrade, and the other is the office upgrade. In the showroom design, Oft Interiors has built a new experience of "lifestyle exhibition" for consumption. In the office space, Oft Interiors takes "socialization and sharing" and "compound and integration" as the new proposition of the space, so that workers can concentrate on work or loaf on the job.
With the emergence of the future office concept, the office becomes a community putting more emphasis on corporate brand culture, staff efficiency requirements, identity, organizational structure maintenance and business communication instead of basic office space. And the formation of the community requires a richer and more diverse office scene to carry.
ASA 办公室面积仅有 164㎡,空间虽小,四大核心功能区域:公共办公区、私密办公区、会议区及休闲娱乐区,仍然必不可少。
The ASA office has an area of only 164 square meters. Although the space is small, the four core functional areas are still essential: public office, private office, meeting area, and recreation area.
At the entrance, the designer used the company’s product, flower tiles, to collage the brand logo in graffiti style, fully showing the brand’s characteristics through the material.
Enter the front desk and you will come to the casual social area. The reason for setting the public activity area close to the front desk is that the designer has consciously separated the shared area from the office.
In this area, the designer used a physical space to create a community atmosphere. This space forms a buffer zone at the entrance, but also assumes the composite function of sharing, leisure, discussion and reception, enhancing the efficiency of use and the value of the space.
On the partition wall between the leisure and office areas, the designer breaks the dullness with a circular iridescent glass, adding more transparency and interest to the space, and in a vague way, allowing the space to be re-linked.
With this, the overall color blocking echoes the background of the leisure bar area, again pointing out the brand product attributes.
现代办公空间主要分为四大核心区域:开放办公区、私密办公区、会议区、休闲社交区。在这个不算大的办公场景中,OFT 设计把四大核心区域变成四大功能模块,这四大功能模块之间可以交互与延伸,组成新的模块。
What is the most expensive thing in Hong Kong, a place where every inch of land is precious? It must be manpower and space. Therefore, office space needs to be efficiently integrated and utilized. To double the value of office space is also one of the core of this design.
根据空间动线,在穿过第一视觉中心的社交空间后,便是开放式办公区。OFT 根据员工工作属性及内容,以统一的设计语言及集成办公家具,让开放式办公区也具有一定私密性,有利于提升工作效率。
According to the spatial movement line, after passing through the social space of the first visual center, there is the open office area. According to the work attributes and content of the employees, Oft Interiors used a unified design language and integrated office furniture so that the open office area also has a certain degree of privacy, which is conducive to enhancing work efficiency.
Then, the highlight of the space - the meeting area. It is vertically laid out on the side of the open office and social area, with black-framed narrow-edge glass sliding doors forming a meeting room partition system.
In order to maximize the diversity of the combination of functional sections and the value of space, the glass doors can be fully folded so that when they are all opened, the two points (areas) that are separated will be connected into a line (to maximize the functional area).
In this way, the two different functional sections of leisure and meeting can be more flexible and easily switch between formal meetings and party time.
Finally, in the private office area, the designer uses large glass windows to bring natural light into the room, and transparent glass doors to make the whole area more open.
此外,墙上还挂着 1980 年代美国街头绘画艺术家和社会运动者凯斯·哈林(Keith Haring)的涂鸦作品,浓厚波普艺术风格为办公室带来更具活力的视觉元素。
In addition, graffiti by 1980s American street artist and social activist, Keith Haring, hangs on the wall, bringing a more dynamic visual element to the office with its strong pop art style.
在这个办公室中,设计师在有限空间里,通过模块之间的重组、串联,放大四大功能区价值,消除办公的边界,最终实现 1+1=第三自定义空间的未来办公新形态,不仅让使用者心理更加稳定,也为品牌的长足发展起到至关重要的作用!
A positive, warm, open and inclusive office environment will enable employees to create value and a sense of belonging here. Designers should consciously create emotional value for users while satisfying functionality.
In this office, in the limited space, through the reorganization of modules, the designer amplifies the value of the four functional areas, eliminates the boundaries of the office, and finally achieves 1 + 1 = the third custom space, creating the future office new form, which not only makes the user more stable psychologically, but also plays a vital role in the long-term development of the brand!
项目名称:ASA Office
设计机构:Oft Interiors
设计团队:Yoyo Au
Project Name: ASA Office
Project Category: Office Space
Project Owner: ASA Tile
Services: Planning/Interior Design
Design Agency: Oft Interiors
Lead Designer: CM Jao / Ken Cheung
Design Team:Yoyo Au
Project Address: Hong Kong
Project Area: 164㎡
关于邹卓明-张敬贵 Introduction of CM Jao - Ken Cheung
邹卓明(CM Jao)与张敬贵 (Ken Cheung) 先后毕业于香港理工大学设计系,二人在国际知名建筑与室内设计事务所的职业生涯中,积累了极为丰富的室内设计经验,同时具备国际化视野和开拓性思维能力。2013 年创办 Oft Interiors Ltd.,自成立之初,OFT 便以打破规律之姿,为最复杂的设计挑战提供解决方案。
CM 与 Ken 擅长对商业、购物、娱乐等不同消费场景,进行空间逻辑的分析、论证与尝试,以设计催化空间更多可能性,完成一次又一次“空间创新实验”,推动[体验式消费场景]的发展,重塑品牌独一无二的基因与潮流。
CM Jao and Ken Cheung were graduated from the department of design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) successively. They have accumulated a wealth of experience of interior design in their careers in internationally renowned architecture and interior design firms, and meanwhile possess international vision and pioneering thinking ability. Since its inception in 2013, Oft Interiors Ltd., has provided many solutions to the most complex design challenges in a rule-breaking manner.
CM and Ken are skilled in analyzing and demonstrating the spatial logic of different consumption scenes such as commerce, shopping and entertainment, so as to design and catalyze more possibilities of space. Through completing "spatial innovation experiments" again and again, they promote the development of "experiential consumption scene" and reshape the unique genes and trends of the brand.
Their works of high-impact, atmosphere and dramaticism have been recognized by authorities all over the world, and their project has won a series of international top design awards around the world as well.
、 关于 Oft Interiors Introduction of Oft Interiors
“边界不是某种东西的停止,而是某种新的东西在此出生。”Oft Interiors 立足于创意之都香港,其设计重视空间的叙事性表达,以不界定任何风格,大胆而富有创造力著称,致力于为全球范围内的消费者创造绝无仅有的惊喜体验。
作为[体验式消费场景]的先行者,OFT 对商业消费空间有着前瞻性的洞察、预测与建议;擅长将消费心理、商业趋势、惊喜体验等多重维度进行统筹整合;通过可持续运营品牌、空间、消费者三者关系,为甲方创造强大品牌势能。
"The boundary is not the cessation of something, but the birth of something new." Based in the creative capital of Hong Kong, known for its bold and creative design without defining any style, the Oft interiors design focuses on the narrative expression of the space. They are committed to creating a unique surprise experience for consumers on a global scale.
As a pioneer of "experiential consumption scene", the Oft has forward-looking insights and recommendations for the commercial consumption space, who is expert in integrating multiple dimensions such as consumer psychology, business trends and surprise experience. Through the sustainable operation of the brand, space and consumers, the Oft is able to create a strong brand potential for you.
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CM Jao and Ken Cheung were graduated from the department of design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) successively. They have accumulated a wealth of experience of interior design in their careers in internationally renowned architecture and interior design firms, and meanwhile possess international vision and pioneering thinking ability. Since its inception in 2013, Oft Interiors Ltd., has provided many solutions to the most complex design challenges in a rule-breaking manner.CM and Ken are skilled in analyzing and demonstrating the spatial logic of different consumption scenes such as commerce, shopping and entertainment, so as to design and catalyze more possibilities of space. Through completing "spatial innovation experiments" again and again, they promote the development of "experiential consumption scene" and reshape the unique genes and trends of the brand.Their works of high-impact, atmosphere and dramaticism have been recognized by authorities all over the world, and their project has won a series of international top design awards around the world as well.
、 关于 Oft Interiors Introduction of Oft Interiors
“边界不是某种东西的停止,而是某种新的东西在此出生。”Oft Interiors 立足于创意之都香港,其设计重视空间的叙事性表达,以不界定任何风格,大胆而富有创造力著称,致力于为全球范围内的消费者创造绝无仅有的惊喜体验。
作为[体验式消费场景]的先行者,OFT 对商业消费空间有着前瞻性的洞察、预测与建议;擅长将消费心理、商业趋势、惊喜体验等多重维度进行统筹整合;通过可持续运营品牌、空间、消费者三者关系,为甲方创造强大品牌势能。
"The boundary is not the cessation of something, but the birth of something new." Based in the creative capital of Hong Kong, known for its bold and creative design without defining any style, the Oft interiors design focuses on the narrative expression of the space. They are committed to creating a unique surprise experience for consumers on a global scale.
As a pioneer of "experiential consumption scene", the Oft has forward-looking insights and recommendations for the commercial consumption space, who is expert in integrating multiple dimensions such as consumer psychology, business trends and surprise experience. Through the sustainable operation of the brand, space and consumers, the Oft is able to create a strong brand potential for you.
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