

Korea Doban Hotels
设计方:HG-Architecture + UIA architectural firm
委托方:Jeonggil Choi
摄影师:Kyungsub Shin
这是由HG-Architecture 与 UIA architectural firm联合设计的Doban酒店。该项目坐落于Byeonsan-ri村庄中部Baekbyonbong山深处,可俯瞰南汉江和杨平郡市中心。建筑四周都是梯田景观,有着5~6米的高差。为了加强这种俯瞰观景平台的氛围、利用现有地形弱化对自然地形的影响,建筑师对梯田景观进行了规划,在一个没有围墙的独立空间内通过不同的高度和深度创建不同的功能空间。
From the architect. The site of Hotel Doban is located in the middle of the village, Byeonsan-ri, deeply in Baekbyonbong Mountain looking down the South Han River and the downtown of Yangpyeong. All sides around the terraced landscape, which are surrounded by the ridge led from Baekbyonbong, enclose a quiet retreat like a folding screen. The end of the ridge and the earth of the terraced slope open far toward the South Han River and Yangpyeong city, such as standing on the mountain observatory, to provide a resting place overlooking the complicated everyday lives.
The earth around the site is a terraced landform by the height of 5~6m as a newly developing area. In order to strengthen the sense of overlooking platform and minimize the loss of natural terrain using the existing landform, the terraced landscape was planned. The terraced floor inside the building, following from the flow of surrounding landscape, differentiates functional space through different heights and depths in a single independent space without walls.
The group of units is unfolded geometrically sliding down the slope. As a result, it provides guests with a totally individual space which has a different view and space independently for each unit. The individual unit functions as a view frame for independent activities open to the outside, and have a private external Jacuzzi space open to the sky in between units. The assemblage of units was delicately designed to create a separate axis without any focal points while mixed into one building.
The roofscape, like a ridge around the site, is surrounding units with successive lines. The continuous roof surfaces maximize the effects of continuity through repetition, by interlacing the flow of roof enclosing the individual units. The individual units compose the whole together, which creates a unique appearance inspiring the rocky mountain behind the site. The building form can be seen easily at a distance from the entrance of Byeongsan-ri valley, which was intended to be a landmark of this area.