142 平方公里的山水成为一个“建筑试验场”,频频有新项目动工;
The project, located over 100 kilometers from Beijing and more than 200 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang, lies at the foot of Taihang Mountain, and adjacent to Yishui Lake.
The village in Yi County of Baoding City, Hebei Province has undergone tremendous change during the past two years: 142 square kilometers of land in the area has been allocated for use as a kind of playground for architectural experimentation. Many new creative projects have been initiated, grown, and taken root in the countryside, forming the basis for an innovative eco-village which integrates current trends in art and culture with the simplicity of traditional country life. It is not far from the city, and encourages an active and engaged way of living.
Tiangang Village, a circular-shaped art museum, is the leading example for the changes which are taking place in the area.
2019 年,隆基泰和集团旗下文化、旅游、商业三线重组,圆歌文商旅集团(下称“圆歌”)正式成立,圆歌易水湖文旅(含田岗·知行村)项目进入筹划期。同年,袈蓝建筑受邀加入,担纲规划、建筑设计、运营等各项工作。彼时,开发商及规划、设计团队所面对的场域亟待一场救赎,田岗村则成为救赎的第一步。
In 2019, the three aspects of culture, tourism, and commerce under the Longjitaihe Group Limited were reorganized, and the IVYONE GROUP was formally established, and the IVYONE Yishui Lake Cultural Tourism project (which included Tiangang·Zhixing Village) entered the planning phase. During the same year, SYN Architects was invited to join, taking charge of planning, architectural design, space operation and other related responsibilities. At the time, the site confronted by developers and the planning and design team was in dire need of revitalization, and creating Tiangang Village became the first step towards bringing new ideas and energy to the area.
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©郑焰
面临交通闭塞、基础条件差、群众观念保守、劳动力文化水平普遍偏低等各种问题,让易县深山区中的田岗村虽环山临水,坐拥秀美风光和深厚、悠久、独具特色的民俗文化(武术会、九曲黄河灯会等),却常年无计致富,2013 年曾被列入省级扶贫开放重点村。
幸得 2016 年河北省首届旅发大会和产业扶贫的东风拂过,田岗村的基础设施得到改善、特色产业初见端倪,却因缺少健全的产业、资金、人才链条而无法形成规模化经济势能。
而对于常年深耕乡村振兴领域、成功完成过多个城乡项目的袈蓝建筑来说,田岗村是一次机遇。策规划、设计、运营多线并进,继四川德阳旌阳区全域乡村振兴 1.0 之后,袈蓝在田岗开启并跃迁至全域乡村振兴 2.0 的崭新阶段,力求“通过知行合一的行动推动人的改变,为乡村带来更多可能”。
Tiangang Village lies deep in the mountainous region of Yi County, with abundant beautiful scenery of tall peaks and rivers, and a heritage of uniquely profound, long-standing folk culture (martial arts society, the Jiuqu Yellow River Lantern Festival, among others). However, the area has faced various challenges such as traffic congestion, poor basic living conditions, conservative attitudes of the local population, and a general lack of skilled labor. Attracting money and investment to the area throughout the calendar year has proven to be difficult, so in 2013, it was designated a key village for poverty alleviation and opening up by the province.
Following that, The First Conference of Hebei Tourism Industry Development took place in 2016, and the policies for reducing poverty began to take effect. The infrastructure of Tiangang Village had been improved, and featured industries began to move in. However, due to the lack of a sound industry, capital, and talent chain, the potential for a large-scale economy could not be met.
An approach has been adopted that can be seen as a metaphor for chess play, where each move is crucial and leads to the next, with the sum of all moves entailing an overall strategy. Keeping the existing foundation of the area’s underlying attributes, infrastructure, and innovations in mind, IVYONE GROUP and SYN Architects set about planting the first seed (Zhixing Village) in Tiangang Village, with the intent of spurring new development in the area west of Yishui Lake, and ultimately creating a village uniquely allied to its surrounding environment.
Tiangang Village presented a distinct design opportunity for SYN Architects, which has extensive experience in rural revitalization, and has successfully completed many projects in both rural and urban contexts. Planning, design, and daily operations must all be considered and work together, following the lead of the SYN Rural Revitalization 1.0 (the village planning made by SYN Architects is based on the development of the whole district or at least the county) initiative in the Jingyang District of Deyang, Sichuan. Moving forward, SYN Architects has begun a transition to the new stage of SYN Rural Revitalization 2.0 in Tiangang, striving to “promote the development of local populations through the unification of knowledge and action. Change brings new possibilities to the village.”
▼鸟瞰,建筑与乡村环境,aerial view, relationship between the building and the rural environment©郑焰
A tree cannot stand without its roots, and the roots in turn are supported by the surrounding soil. To revitalize the countryside, it is necessary to stimulate its inherent “endogenous strength” so that it grows according to its natural tendencies, like wood. SYN Architects approaches the countryside with the intent of cultivating the “soil” of five dimensions: methodology, solutions for industry, new farmers, endogenous strength, and problem solving, so that taken as a whole they fuse together, and provide a path towards contributing to the sustainable development of the countryside. This would also entail a thorough integration of urban and rural areas. The counter-example is the former “Tiangang Village”: when the village was first upgraded, a semi-circular “tourist service center” was built: it is located at an important juncture of Huanhu Road and has a panoramic view of its surroundings. Although it is not near the lake, it can be reached by boat. The general condition of the area is excellent, but it has been largely vacant for the past three to four years due to a lack of tourists. This “unfinished building” is the predecessor of the art gallery.
▼原始建筑,original building©袈蓝建筑
基于这些思考,袈蓝在复兴田岗村的过程中决定对设计负责、对运营负责、对内容负责。“知行村”IP 被引入田岗:知,即以“做好土壤”为方法论,通过帮扶、激活的方式解决问题;行,即有效地付诸“破冰、松土、播种、浇水”等行动步骤。
Lead architect Zou Yingxi frequently mentions “incapability and disappointment” to describe the phenomenon of rural revitalization in China: the ones in charge were lacking in practical experience and the villagers were unhappy with the result. Tiangang Village also encountered this kind of situation in the early days. And across the country, a large number of villages went through the same process: in their efforts to change the appearance of the countryside, excellent architects have built many beautiful houses, but due to a lack of “context”, they quickly became vacant boxes. The so-called “visitor service center” is a kind of building easily taken for granted. If the basic questions of “who comes, why, and what do they do,” cannot be answered, is the architecture creating or solving problems?
Based on these considerations, SYN Architects decided to take over responsibility for the design, operation, and content of Tiangang Village and the process of its revitalization. The process utilized at Zhixing Village was introduced into Tiangang: using “good soil” as a metaphor and methodology, and solving problems through the principles of assistance and activation; and furthermore taking “breaking ice, loosening soil, sowing, and watering” as guiding precepts.
▼施工过程,construction process




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