REMI.C.T Studio believes innovation in design shouldn’t lead to standardised housing, and that each development should take on its own personality; holding firm in what makes it a home, yet responding to its space and the needs of its future owners.
项目的设计理念旨在使原始的空间布局焕发出新的活力,为新一代年轻人创造高质量的居住空间。在与Newham Council Planning的通力合作下,REMI.C.T Studio受到启发,经过几轮的设计讨论,使老建筑焕发新生的愿景得以成功实现。
The Studio has engaged with the idea that planning and development regulations need to be reinvigorated to create quality housing for a new generation. Having worked with Newham Council Planning, REMI.C.T studio was inspired to see there was a possibility to access development through discussion on design.
“We’re used to saying yes to bad quality housing, but there needs to be space for innovation to happen. A variety of spaces need to be created to accommodate the needs of a new generation who rent a lifestyle; living in a very different way to their parents.”