2021年5月,约瑟夫和安妮·阿尔伯斯基金会与Le Korsa将为塞内加尔的坦巴昆达妇产科和儿科医院举行揭幕仪式——这是一个由著名建筑师Manuel Herz无偿设计的、具有变革意义的重要项目。
In May 2021 the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and Le Korsa will unveil the new Maternity and Paediatric Hospital in Tambacounda, Senegal, a transformative development designed pro bono by acclaimed architect Manuel Herz.
▼项目概览,preview © Iwan Baan
▼动线示意,Circulation © Manuel Herz Architects
In the field of health, the Tambacounda Hospital – the only major hospital in the region – is a vital resource servicing around 20,000 patients per year from the surrounding area, stretching across the border into Mali. The doctors had previously been working under extremely difficult conditions; with the original design leaving the communal spaces severely overcrowded.
The design of the new Maternity and Paediatric Hospital brings a sense of coherence and greatly improves the comfort of patients and their visiting families. Herz’s structure comprises a two-storey building in a curvilinear form which brings two clinics – paediatrics and maternity – together under the same roof and offers approximately 150 hospital beds. The extensive length of the building allows for the smooth circulation of staff and patients and accommodates multiple communal spaces both between the rooms and in the courtyards formed by the bends of the S-curve, turning it into the truly social spine of the hospital.