EPIC 中心丨澳大利亚西澳大利亚丨Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects

每个人都可以成为社区的一部分,尽管有些人会遇到障碍,使得他们难以融入。EPIC将通过丰富的职业和建筑功能提供切实可行的援助和鼓励打破这些障碍,为残障人士提供就业支援,让更多人参与到社区活动之中。” ——Stephanie Soter,EPIC创始人和首席执行官

“EPIC is a not for profit organisation operating in the Pilbara & Goldfields regions of Western Australia. EPIC stands for Empowering People in Communities – and essentially that is what we do. Through a range of services and programs we support many people to live a more connected life.

Every person deserves to be a part of a community, however some people experience barriers that make it hard to be included. EPIC helps to break down those barriers by providing practical assistance and encouragement through career enrichment and capacity building programs, providing support to people with disabilities and their careers, and engaging the wider community in events and activities.” ——Stephanie Soter, CEO and Founder

▼建筑外观,external view of the building
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EPIC委托Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects在Karratha城区设计公司的新总部,名为EPIC中心。设施包括员工办公室、培训师、会议空间和为在心理或生理上有障碍、需要社区提供帮助的人设计的社交中心。

Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects were commissioned by EPIC to design their new headquarters which they call the EPiCentre, in downtown Karratha. The facility provides staff offices, training rooms, meeting spaces and a social hub for clients who have a range of physical and mental challenges that require support in the community.

▼为居民提供帮助的服务设施,service facility providing assistance for the residents

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新的EPIC中心位于Blamoral大道和Karratha Terrace大道的交界处,平面呈L型布局。建筑的主要转角处设置了一个由透明聚酯纤维板组成、夜晚会发光的顶棚,并以一条人行坡道将人们引向主入口。Morse Court大街与Karratha大道交接处设有一片较小的披屋屋面,向下包裹界定出建筑的次要转角。

While Karratha is often thought of as a wealthy mining town, there are still many families from all parts of society that have family members who have disabilities that prevent their full engagement with the wider community.  EPIC provide support in the form of training, family support and social support for their client families.

The new EPiCentre addresses the intersection of the two main roads, Balmoral Road and Karratha Terrace in an ‘L’ shape layout.  The major corner is addressed with a feature canopy element formed by a translucent polyester sheet which is lit at night and a pedestrian ramp to the main entrance. The second corner on Morse Court and Karratha Terrace intersection is addressed by a smaller skillion roof and wrap down that defines the secondary street corner.

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在单一的屋顶结构下,建筑被划分成了三个部分。两个管理栋通过入口前厅空间相互连接,包含主要的员工办公、会议、培训和会客的设施。第三个部分是一座活动和资源中心,用来举办烹饪、艺术、手工等社区活动。三个体量公布不带顶的“核心”连接,保证了基地中的通风和视线畅通。前厅空间是第一个“核心”,四周由玻璃围合,提供了从后方停车场进入建筑的主要入口,同时也与街道侧的次入口相连。第二个“核心”设置了有顶通道和活动空间,人们可以透过幕墙看到Karratha Terrace大道上的景象。

The building is sectioned into three pavilions under a single roof structure. The two administration pavilions interconnected by a main entry/foyer space houses the main staff office and conference, training and meeting room facilities. The third pavilion is an Activity and Resource Centre used for community activities and events such as cooking and arts and crafts. All three pavilions are connected by undercover ‘cores’, which allow breezes and a visual connection through the site. The foyer space in the first of these ‘cores’ which is glazed on both sides and provide the main entry point from the rear carpark side of the building as well as a secondary entry point from the street front. The second ‘core’ provides a breezeway circulation and activity space that has a visually permeable screen to Karratha Terrace.


passage, roof connecting different pavilions

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