▼位于高地的科尔多瓦瞭望塔,Cordova Watchtower on a high place
Cordova Watchtower with a practically square floor plan, measuring 6.70 x 7.32 metres, its longest side corresponding to the door, facing south; It consists of two floors and a roof terrace. Built with courses of masonry and at intervals of stone slabs, the buttresses being made up of rope and blight ashlars. In the four facades it has cruciform engravings. We are at a geostrategic point of relevance for the control of the area and we pass through the royal road, a high place from where we could see the fords by the Guadazuheros, La Vega and Guadalbaida streams and the existing ford in the Guadalquivir at this point, only passage through the river on foot. The importance of the place and the need for control made some hermits offer to live in it, providing them with a road control service, lookout for possible enemy military incursions and religious services for pilgrims.
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