Rodrigo Castro Peñalva 的创意建筑设计
Rodrigo Castro Peñalva是一位西班牙建筑师,目前在中国建筑工程总公司深圳分部工作。他从儿时喜爱的乐高游戏中获得灵感,为自己的方案制作了一系列轴侧图,不仅能够清楚的表达作品的形态也能将室内展示出来,让人更好地理解他的作品。
When I was doing my portfolio I wanted to find a way to give a sense of unity through my drawings. I reminisce my Lego games of space from when I was a kid in which there was a grid to showcased that the world in which Lego lives is neatly organized in pieces that are made in proportions that fit together.
I liked this concept for my own projects and I represented the imaginary grid that I actually use to create my designs in this series of drawings that explained the interior and general shape.
I’m interested in graphic representation and axonometric drawings to explain and communicate my projects. I think that although in an axo you probably won”t be able to perceive the interior spaces or the feeling between inside and outside as good as in a perspective, you get a general understanding of the project much better.
I use them to illustrate the whole building in a rational and more technical way. For me it’s like a merger between plan and section so is a language intrinsic to our profession and that architects must use. They are very analytical and explain a lot things like number of floors, an intuitive total height, general shape etc. And there´s a lot of things you can do with them, like exploding volumes, deleting walls and so on.
These are all projects that I made alone or I was the team leader in the companies I worked for. All illustrations were made myself using illustrator, photoshop, Autocad and SketchUp.
项目位于Brazo del este自然保护区内,该保护区具有极高的鸟类观赏价值。第一次到访此地,建筑师头脑中就已经形成清晰的概念,即远远地,在溪边有一棵树,孤立于时间之外。因此建筑师围绕着树设计了一个钢铁结构,作为临时的观景平台,同时将其伪装成树的样子。
The project grows within the Brazo del este, an area of high ornithological value around Seville. Gualquivir tributary rivers flows through this flat land, giving water to the fields. From the first visit to the extensive area, the idea came clear: long in the distance, a single tree stood still by a creek, solitary, witness of time. The project had to use the tree as an advantage point of view.
The intervention is then placed around the tall tree. A steel structure is built as a temporary platform for observing nature and birds, a viewpoint camouflaged tree-like.
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这一项目的目标是让塞尔维亚成为世界艺术地图上不可或缺的一部分,成为城市的必达之处。而更大的期望,是能吊起塞尔维亚人一探究竟的胃口,就像James Stewart在电影《后窗》里展示的那样。
Seville is a city of many dualities. One of them being tradition vs. anything “modern”. While some people celebrates tradition deeply rooted in their actions and behaviours, a small resistance bask on new things that can make them prosper along with the city.
The contemporary art if fot the later. The projects seeks to implant the seed for the interest of contemporary Art of the children and youngster of the city.
Located in front of the low profile historical city, the project will become an omnipresent shape in the lives of the people. It´s thinness will allow everyone to see what´s happing on the inside, a marvelous world of work for thought made by artists from all over the world who will come to live, work and exibit in the building, arousing the curiosity of everyone in town and therefore migrate the thought of the city towards the celebration of the contemporary art.
The objective is non other than to put Seville in the elite world Art maps and make the city a must stop. The fantasy is that Sevillians will gaze upon the building with eagerness to know what´s going on, like James Stewart in the Rear Window.
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A home like a city, a city like a home. This is the premise I took when thinking on how to develop a whole new area in the famous Expo92 area in my hometown, Seville.
We where asked by the teachers to think in Tabula Rasa terms, “imagine you are Le Corbusier and you can build your own version of Paris” “this is an experiment”I thought the best way to build a new city was the one based on a system that would allow future growths and expansions. Based on a series of rules, my system will mix all sorts of program uses to create the perfect cocktail of life, never again there will be empty areas during night or day, in my city, every area will be always lived and experienced. The structures of life are based on atoms that creates the cell system. My system will rely on a cell-like Unit to create life. How to grow a whole city from the smallest unit possible? Architecturally, what is that unit? This is an essay on how to build a city from a small house. Building on the idea of the house defining the city, the project relies on a grid system of 8×8 in which all forms of ideas can fit in. This small unit can be a one person house, a small garden, a small pool, a store, an office etc.
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Big chain retail stores have been ever changing since the introduction of the first supermarket at the beginning of the XX century.
Envisioned in the USA in the 60´s by french business men, Carrefour started selling “everything under one roof“ as the first hypermarket.
Reaching now a saturation point in Europe, Hypermarkets need to find a way to reinvent and adapt to a market in which category killers and small convenient shops are displacing them.
Such is the challenge I took for my thesis project. How can architecture help to respond to that? I presented a prefabricated “IKEA“ like system that they can use to build all their surfaces. All the non-needed pieces can be stored inside in a tower for a later use. Fully customizable, their buildings would be able now to hold all kinds of activities and businesses, expand or shrink to save space and everything someone can think of.
Here is presented a possible solution, a squared hypermarket with an inner courtyard.
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