圣殿市场重生 | 现代与传统的完美融合
Milou 建筑工作室巧妙地将现代与传统元素结合,保留了历史建筑的原貌,同时赋予其全新的功能与视觉体验。
来自Studio Milou
新加坡国家美术馆The National Gallery Singapore。更多请至:
Photos © Fernando Javier Urquijo / studioMilou architecture
历史悠久的巴黎圣殿市场上出售着丝绸产品、地毯、家用面料类以及时尚饰品等琳琅满目的商品。还有一些作家来此为他们小说寻找创作灵感,比如著名的Eugène Sue和Paul Féval。
The new Carreau du Temple, Paris
Its market stalls where silk items, carpets, household fabrics and fashion accessories could be bought, inspired writers who often took the Carreau as the setting for their novels, among them Eugène Sue in Les Mystères de Paris and Paul Féval in Le Fils du diable.
Le Carreau du Temple reopened its doors in the spring of 2014, following a major project to led by studio Milou to restore and adapt this rare surviving vestige of the great metal-framed architectural tradition of late nineteenth century Paris. With its characteristically transparent architecture, Le Carreau is of significance as a monument both for the Marais district in Paris, and the wider heritage of France.
▼圣殿市场新外观 The new façade of the Carreau du Temple along Rue Speller
这个令人赞叹的建筑物靠近杜伯高等艺术学校 desAppliqués,历史悠久的圣殿广场是由在工人阶级中享有盛誉的Jean-Charles Alphand负责规划设计。1904年,巴黎博览会在此举行,为此建筑赢得了很好的名誉,并被誉为“物美价廉的购物天堂”。从战后到20世纪70年代,有上百家的商家在此开业。然而,随着时间推移,市场老化,业务量减少,圣殿市场所在地被确定拆迁为停车场。最终,当地约5000人集体请愿,圣殿市场才躲过拆迁厄运。
在2007年,最终决定采用 Milou建筑工作室的设计师Jean François的设计,在2008开始重建和改建圣殿广场。直到发现古代骑士的圈地,开始探索古代遗物。一年的挖掘工作后,2010年继续重建,由项目工程师Thomas Rouyrre负责。
This impressive structure located near Duperré’s École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués and the historic Square du Temple laid out by Jean-Charles Alphand, the urban-planner of Baron Haussmann, had considerable importance for the Paris working classes for over a century following its birth. In 1904, the building housed the inaugural Paris Fair. Earning a reputation as an essential point of call for buying ‘ordinary clothes for regular budgets and for the well-dressed’, hundreds of vendors had stalls at the site from the post-war period until the 1970s. However, over time business declined, and Le Carreau was staked for demolition in 1976 to make way for a Parking area. It was saved by the petitioning of five thousand local residents.
Le Carreau was listed on France’s inventaire supplémentaire des monuments historiques in 1982, five years after the demolition of the Paris Halles (marketplace) and its famous Baltard pavilions. The loss of these structures – also examples of the great metal-framed architectural tradition – remains bitterly regretted; a situation that gave impetus to saving Le Carreau du Temple. In 2001, the city of Paris committed to restoring Le Carreau du Temple and sought from local inhabitants. It was their vote which determined its future function of housing cultural and sports facilities.
In 2007 Jean François Milou’s design won the project to restore and adapt the Carreau du Temple and work began in 2008, before being suspended when investigation of foundations located in the ancient enclosure of the Knights Templars, led to the discovery of archaeological remains. After a year of excavations, work recommenced in 2010, led by studioMilou’s project architect, Thomas Rouyrre.
在18世纪末,圈地运动开始。在12世纪的时候,耶路撒冷圣殿的骑士团居住在靠近巴黎的地方,因为着装很明显,一眼就能认出来。这个主权的顺序,依赖于教皇,享有法律特权豁免缴税,给它提供庇护,因此从某种程度上讲,这种圈地为债务人和破产者提供了个避难所。这个主权制度同样也受益于严格的行业特权,很多在其他地方买不到的东西都可以在这个圈地看到,包括服饰珠宝。因此,此处仍然是中心地带,能看到别处禁止买卖的印度纺织品。在十八世纪,咖啡馆、 酒吧、 桌球和公共浴池蓬勃发展。在革命期间,在the rue du Temple 和 the rue de Bretagne之间的6公顷圈地被没收,1792年八月,把一些贵族也被囚禁在圣殿塔。在 1808年到1811 年间,因为拿破仑的命令,后者被拆毁。但它的遗迹仍然可以见于 rueEugène Spuller,存在于此600多年的遗迹。
在1781 年,也是在Bailiff de Crussol执政期间,Lefèvre de Laboulaye根据Pérard de Montreuil的设计,建造了一栋圆形建筑,是圈地中唯一被允许保留的主要建筑。它是用木头建造的,绰号 为Colisée de la Friperie (体育馆的二手衣服),一共有44个画廊,上层楼和夹层用来作商店。在 1809 年,Molinos在国家割给巴黎的一块土地上建造了一套新的木制厅堂,是一个四边形,被人叫做the Halle au vieux linge (‘Old Clothes Hall’)。就是这个建筑和那个圆形建筑一起合称为第一个Temple市场。这四个面都有个贴合其形状的名字,分别为the Palais-Royal, the Pavillon de Flore, the Pou-Volant and the Forêt Noire。每一个有其自身的特点,无论是二手服装、 家具、 零碎的东西或报废品。一周内,市场内的摊位两千就可以租出。
The Temple enclosure at the end of the 18th century
In the twelfth century, the knights of the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, the Knights Templars, lived in an ‘enclosure’ to the north of Paris that was immediately visible because of its impressive keep. This sovereign order, dependent on the Pope, enjoyed legal privileges that exempted it from paying taxes and gave it the right to offer asylum, with the result that the enclosure became a refuge for bankrupts and debtors. The order also benefited from significant guild privileges, and items banned elsewhere could be found within the enclosure, including costume jewellery, for which the Temple area is still a centre today, or prohibited Indian fabrics. In the eighteenth century, cafés, bars, billiard halls and public baths all flourished. The enclosure, a six-hectare area situated between the rue du Temple and the rue de Bretagne, was seized during the Revolution, and the royal family was imprisoned in the Temple Tower in August 1792. The latter was demolished on the orders of Napoléon between 1808 and 1811, but traces of it can still be seen in the rue Eugène Spuller, where it stood for some 600 years.
The famous Old Temple Market
The Rotunda, built in 1781 by Lefèvre de Laboulaye during the administration of the Bailiff de Crussol and according to designs by Pérard de Montreuil, was the only major building in the enclosure that was allowed to remain standing. Built of wood and nicknamed the Colisée de la Friperie (‘Coliseum of Secondhand Clothes’), this consisted of a gallery of forty-four arcades that were used for shops with apartments on the mezzanine and upper floors. In 1809, a new set of wooden halls were built by Molinos on land ceded by the state to the City of Paris, these forming four quadrilaterals that were called the Halle au vieux linge (‘Old Clothes Hall’). It was this ensemble of buildings that, together with the Rotunda, formed the first Temple market. The four squares had picturesque names – the Palais-Royal, the Pavillon de Flore, the Pou-Volant and the Forêt Noire – and each had its own speciality, whether secondhand clothing, household furnishings, odds and ends, or scrap. Two thousand stalls in the market could be rented out on a weekly basis.
第三阶段1865-1905 圣殿市场的兴盛和衰落
圣殿市场在十九世纪中叶受损严重,危险到那些使用它的人们。拆掉这些建筑为了建造有更好通风和照明的房子。在1863年,Jules de Mérindol负责新的市场建设,作为一个拿破仑三世对全盘翻新巴黎的计划之一,作为城市的中心。
巴黎市外包给一个外部经理,五十年租期,只为获取区区年费。除了长期的摊位,圣殿市场亦将Carreau开放给二手衣服经销商。由于股市下跌,1901 年巴黎市宣布计划拆除建筑物亭子的一部分以建造新建筑。
市场的最后一个成就就是在拆掉Mérindol 六个亭子中的四个之前,于1904 年主办首届巴黎交易会。剩下的两个亭子,在1907 年在圣殿熟悉的形式下重新开放,直到最终关闭圣殿。当地的居民,多住在剩余的楼房中,终于成功地让他们于 1982 年将圣殿列在历史古迹的补充名单上,从而免除了他们脱离未来被拆毁的危险。
Third period
The rise and fall of the Temple Market, 1865-1905
The Temple market was in an advanced state of dilapidation in the mid-nineteenth century, making it dangerous to those using it. A decision was taken to demolish it in order to construct buildings that would have better lighting and ventilation. In 1863, Jules de Mérindol was placed in charge of the construction of the new market as part of the overall renovation of Paris desired by Napoléon III and the city’s prefect Haussmann. The monumental façade of the building looked out onto the rue du Temple, and it was built on the model made popular by the newly built Halles designed by Baltard, its steel, glass and brick pavilions containing stalls for more than two thousand vendors.
The City of Paris outsourced its management to an external manager on a fifty-year lease in exchange for an annual fee. In addition to the permanent stalls, the market also housed the Carreau that was open to secondhand-clothes dealers. As a result of the market’s decline, in 1901 the City announced a plan to demolish part of the pavilions in order to build new buildings.
The market’s last achievement was to host the first Paris Fair in 1904, before four of the six pavilions of Mérindol’s market were demolished. The two remaining ones, reopened in 1907, made up the Carreau du Temple in its familiar form until its final closure. Local residents, much attached to the remaining buildings, succeeded in having them listed on the supplementary list of historic monuments in 1982, thus saving them from the threat of future demolition.