抗日战争最后一役纪念馆 · 融合历史的绿地公园设计丨中国江苏丨同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司
1945 年 8 月 15 日,日本宣布无条件投降,长达十四年的抗日战争宣告结束。但战火并未平息,直到 1945 年底,在苏皖边区政府南面还有一座县城仍然被日伪军占据着,这就是高邮城。1945 年 12 月 19 日,新四军华中野战军在高邮对拒绝投降的日伪军发起最后的进攻。12 月 26 日,高邮战役胜利,粟裕在一座位于人民公园中的礼堂里接受了日军岩崎大佐敬献的军刀,高邮终于迎来了解放。这是中国人民抗日战争的最后一役,也是抗日战争中解放的最后一座城市。70 年过去了,战争硝烟早已散去,曾经的侵华日军向新四军投降处依然屹立在闹市中央,静静地诉说着那一段波澜壮阔的历史画卷。
On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and the fourteen-year war of resistance against Japan came to an end. However, the war did not subside. Until the end of 1945, there was another county in the south of Jiangsu that was still occupied by the Japanese army, which was Gaoyou city. On December 19, 1945, the central China Field Army of the new fourth army launched a final attack on the Japanese army who refused to surrender in Gaoyou. On December 26, after the victory of the Gaoyou campaign, Suyu received the saber presented by Japanese Senior Minister Iwasaki in an auditorium in the people’s Park, and Gaoyou finally ushered in its liberation. This is the last battle of the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan and the last City liberated in the war of resistance against Japan. 70 years later, the smoke of war has long dissipated, and the place where the Japanese invaders surrendered to the New Fourth Army is still standing in the center of the downtown, quietly telling that magnificent historical moment.
▼抗日战争最后一役纪念馆鸟瞰,Aerial view of Victory Square and people’s Park
抗日战争最后一役纪念馆 · 融合历史的绿地公园设计丨中国江苏丨同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司-3
战后的七十多年岁月里,“公园礼堂”(当年的日军投降处)已和高邮市烈士陵园、人民公园、老年大学、老政府办公楼、州署头门以及各种民房混杂在一起,周边环境较差。2015 年,为了纪念抗战胜利七十周年,高邮市政府希望通过设计使得最后一役纪念馆和周围环境以及城市有机结合,并增加一个副馆来展示抗战史料,作为最后一役馆的补充,以及新建一个游客中心来作为整个公园的配套。
For more than 70 years after the war, the “Park auditorium” (the place where the Japanese army surrendered at that time) has been mixed with Gaoyou martyr cemetery, people’s Park, university for the elderly, old government office building, state department head gate, and various civilian houses. The surrounding environment is quiet poor. In 2015, in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Gaoyou municipal government hopes to organically integrate the memorial hall of the last battle with the surrounding environment and the city through design. At the same time, an auxiliary Pavilion will be added to display the historical materials of the Anti-Japanese war as a supplement to the pavilion of the last battle. And a new tourist center will be built as a supporting facility for the whole park.
▼“追忆之痕”入口鸟瞰夜景,Aerial view of the entrance of “trace of memory”
抗日战争最后一役纪念馆 · 融合历史的绿地公园设计丨中国江苏丨同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司-7
▼树林中的抗日战争最后一役胜利广场入口雕塑,sculpture of Victory Square in the last battle of the Anti-Japanese war in the woods
抗日战争最后一役纪念馆 · 融合历史的绿地公园设计丨中国江苏丨同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司-9
The whole project is divided into red theme area, ancient city style area and green park area. Among them, the most important red theme area is divided into the “trace of memory” – the road of Anti-Japanese war, the “war ending Memorial” – Victory Square and the “road to peace” – a streamline path leading to Beilin and people’s park. The design emphasizes the “sense of experience in the process of moving”, takes “scars” as the composition method, highlights the time concept of “the last battle” with the change of space atmosphere, takes landscape art as the main architectural means, integrates the surrounding environment, and guides the experimenter to think more deeply about the war while interpreting the history of the war.
▼新建副馆鸟瞰,Bird’s view
抗日战争最后一役纪念馆 · 融合历史的绿地公园设计丨中国江苏丨同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司-13




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