Mo·y 时代广场酒店室内设计丨美国曼哈顿丨Yabu Pushelberg
Yabu Pushelberg设计了Moxy时代广场酒店的全部612间卧室,该酒店是万豪酒店集团的子公司,其目的是在不影响风格的情况下做到经济实惠,被定位为“现代旅行者的精品酒店概念”。设计公司Yabu Pushelberg设计了露营风格的家具,以节省纽约时代广场酒店的客房空间。

Yabu Pushelberg designed all 612 bedrooms at The Moxy Times Square – a subsidiary of hospitality company Marriott that aims to be affordable without compromising style, pitted as a "boutique-hotel concept for the modern traveller".Design firm Yabu Pushelberg has created camping-style furniture to save space in the guest rooms of this hotel in New York's Times Square.

这家酒店去年在曼哈顿中城的一处翻新物业内开业,该物业建于1907年,为工人阶级旅行者提供廉价住宿。建筑设计公司Stonehill & Taylor负责重新配置布局。Moxy的客房面积从150到350平方英尺,即14到28平方米不等。大多数都提供两个人以上的房间,包括双人大床或四人双人床。

The hotel opened last year in a renovated property in Midtown Manhattan, which was built in 1907 to offer cheap accommodation to working class travellers. Architectural design firm Stonehill & Taylor was responsible for reconfiguring the layout.The Moxy's guest rooms range from 150 to 350 square feet (14 to 28 square metres). Most provide for more than two occupants, including queen beds that are butted end-to-end or twin bunkbeds for four people.

Yabu Pushelberg设计了一系列可调整的家具,以最大限度地利用有限的空间,包括设计成可折叠和悬挂在木墙钉上的椅子和桌子。客人还可以将物品放在这些挂钩上,这些挂钩的特点是定制的衣架,而额外的存储空间则内置在床架中。

Yabu Pushelberg created a host of adaptable furnishings to make the most of the limited space, including chairs and tables designed to foldaway and hang from wooden wall pegs.Guests can also store belongings on these hooks, which feature custom-made clothing hangers, while additional storage is built into the bed frames.

The Moxy说:“酒店的概念是建立在Moxy品牌的设计前瞻性敏感性之上的,并通过深思熟虑的细节、诚实的材料和基本的暴露施工技术进行了有趣的执行。”各种巧妙设计的卧室设计灵活,功能齐全,适应现代旅行者不断变化的需求。

"The hotel's concept was built on the Moxy brand's design-forward sensibility, and is playfully executed with thoughtful detailing, honest materials, and basic exposed construction techniques," said The Moxy.A wide variety of cleverly designed bedrooms were conceived to be flexible and functional and adapt to modern traveller's changing needs.

The bedrooms remain light due to white-painted walls, pale wooden siding and white bed linen. There are also a number of retro features, including a vintage chorded telephone and a self-standing hand basin.Black and white tiles line the bathrooms. In the rain showers, the tiling is used to print heights that resemble guides found in public swimming baths.

由Lightstone开发的The Moxy是众多新酒店中的一家,这些酒店正在响应旅行者不断变化的习惯,这是由Airbnb等公司推动的,它们提供了探索城市的负担得起的方式。纽约的其他酒店还包括最近开业的公共酒店和Arlo Hudson广场,前者的特色是选择类似的精简客房,后者旨在吸引“城市探索者”。

Developed by Lightstone, The Moxy is among a host of new hotels that are responding to the changing habits of travellers, prompted by companies like Airbnb that offer affordable ways to explore cities.Others in New York include the recently opened Public hotel, which features a similar selection of stripped-back guest rooms, and the Arlo Hudson Square, which aims to attract "urban explorers".

Moxy酒店的大堂也是由Yabu Pushelberg设计的,里面有供客人办理入住的自助亭,而不是前台接待员。客人也可以提前在酒店应用程序上记录他们的到达。丰富的公共空间弥补了卧室中有限的空间,包括一系列适合共同工作和会议的座位区。房间被深色木框的滑动玻璃百叶窗隔开,配有深绿色色调的桌子和沙发。

The Moxy's lobby, which was also designed by Yabu Pushelberg, contains kiosks for guest to check in rather than receptionists at desk. Guests can also log their arrival on the hotel app beforehand.An abundance of communal space rectifies limited space in bedrooms, including a series of seating areas suited to co-working and meetings. Divided by sliding glass shutters with dark wooden frames, the rooms are furnished with a mix of tables and sofas in dark green hues.

裸露的砖墙被漆成白色,与其他空间的浅色木板相呼应,天花板暴露在外,露出固定装置。伴随着Yabu Pushelberg的室内设计,纽约工作室Rockwell Group设计了酒店的酒吧空间和三个餐厅,它们也对公众开放。

Exposed brickwork walls are painted white to complement the pale wooden boards that line other spaces, where ceilings are exposed to reveal fixtures.Accompanying Yabu Pushelberg's interiors, New York studio Rockwell Group designed the hotel's bar spaces and three restaurants, which are also open to the public.

Bar Moxy位于建筑的三层天井中庭内,设有一个镀铜的酒吧,一个休息室和一个用于聚会的DJ台。这些餐厅包括一个有185个座位的海鲜小酒馆,一个全天的早午餐地点,一个屋顶酒吧和休息室,设计为全年使用。

Located within the building's three-storey skylit atrium, Bar Moxy features a copper-clad bar, a lounge and a DJ booth for parties.The eateries include a 185-seat seafood brasserie, an all-day brunch spot, and a rooftop bar and lounge designed to be used all-year-round.

Mo·y 时代广场酒店室内设计丨美国曼哈顿丨Yabu Pushelberg-17
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Mo·y 时代广场酒店室内设计丨美国曼哈顿丨Yabu Pushelberg-18
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Mo·y 时代广场酒店室内设计丨美国曼哈顿丨Yabu Pushelberg-19
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Mo·y 时代广场酒店室内设计丨美国曼哈顿丨Yabu Pushelberg-20




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