Area :6880 m²
Year :2019
Photographs :Rafaela Netto
Architects In Charge : Fernando Forte, Lourenço Gimenes e Rodrigo Marcondes Ferraz
Coordinators : Ana Paula Barbosa, Gabriel Mota, Luciana Bacin, Sonia Gouveia
Collaborators : Carmem Procópio, Carolina Matsumoto, Fabiana Kalaigian, Joel Bages, Juliana Fernandes, Juliana Nohara, Mirella Fochi, Vera Silva, Victor Lucena
Interns : Fernanda Silva, Fernanda Veríssimo, Flávia Theodorovitz, Frederico Branco, Gabriela Eberhardt, Luiza Leptich, Nara Diniz, Otávio Araújo Costa, Pedro Ocanhas, Rafael Colombo, Rodrigo de Moura, Rodrigo Oliveira
City : Jaguariúna
Country : Brazil
In a hot weather city in Brazil, the Tamboré Jaguariúna Complex was designed as a big structure for the sport and leisure of the city, integrated into the lush surrounding nature.
The land, narrow and long, slightly downhill, and with its largest face ending in a lake, was decisive in this construction. The building is both landscape and support for users to enjoy the lake views and vegetation.