

Something happens because something happens because something happens. Life Between Buildings, by Jan Gehl on places for staying.

The site was a primary school left unused for a long period and is going to be transformed into a training center. The owner expected an entrance renovation to establish a new public image. Between two gatehouses lays the entrance door, which was an iron fence, usually locked and closed to protect the property from burglars, however, it also rejected any possibilities for public activities. The entrance space is negative and chaotic. To respond to the need for a new image for the entrance, instead of simply designing a symbolic form, we choose to rebuild the connection between people and the space and reshape people’s feelings towards the space.
▼大门原状,Existing condition of the entrance

入口空间被忽视的公共属性 Entrance Area as Public Realm 大门是街道空间的延续,它不只是薄薄的门板,也是具有厚度的公共空间。在传统建筑中,大门往往以入口建筑的形式存在,门扇后退让出一部分面向街道的檐下空间,供人停留。主人送客出门时在此寒暄送别,大雨倾盆时路人借此避雨。大门自古虽有彰显自家身份地位的用途,但也是具有社交温度的空间。胡同里大门口的檐下空间,就承载着邻里间闲谈、纳凉、游戏的公共交往属性。
The entrance area contains not only a gate but also an extension of street life. As in traditional buildings, the entrance gate exists as an entrance building, with doors drawn back to spare some space facing the street as an entrance porch, which allows passersby to stop off and take it as shelter from the bad weather, or for hosts to greeting and seeing off guests. Although the gate building has the function of showing off the owner’s state, it is also a space helping to build up social connections between neighborhoods. The entrance porch in Hutong could be easily found as an example of the entrance area as a public space, which allows neighbors to sit and chat or to entertain.
▼改造后大门外观,External view after renovation

As the entrance building, we designed a slab-column system pavilion built with basic structure and materials. The roof is made with reinforced concrete slab and supported by two rows of circular columns, which could be a shelter from rain or heat. Within the pavilion, the ground is two steps higher than the street, and three concrete benches are made for the teacher, student, and passersby to take a set. The folding draft wall made with hollow bricks guided and drove people walking into the pavilion. The Circular column works as vertical support, which adds fluidity to the space.
▼板柱结构的入口亭,Entrance pavilion of slab-column system

