Through a complete reconstruction, the dilapidated former open-air cinema with a huge capacity of 800 seats, was transformed into a functioning complex with a more sustainable capacity of 350. The shrinking of the grounds also allowed the creation of much-needed buffer areas between residential buildings and the cinema grounds, with the implementation of acoustic measures, and lastly the creation of a new connection between the surrounding residential complex and the nearby town centre via Štěpánka’s Park.
▼远眺建筑,distant view of the structure © BoysPlayNice
▼场景手绘,sketches © Mimosa Architects
The old cinema´s buildings were, given the difficulty in their adaptation and the overall state, demolished, as was the original projection wall that was shading the park. Three new buildings contain all the necessary facilities – cash desk, buffet, hygienic facilities, the projection booth, a smaller projection wall with some rooms for the artists, and storage. The cinema is accessible to all in its entirety. The original “fractured” fencing toward the residential street was preserved. The fractured motif was also applied to newly built gabion walls, which separate the grounds from the residential buildings to the north. The area’s natural terrain modulation was also preserved, used to naturally slope the cinema towards the projection wall.
▼“断裂”的围栏被保留下来并被应用于新建的石笼墙,the original “fractured” fencing was preserved and applied to newly built gabion walls © BoysPlayNice