Studio Unravel
Dongil Lee
Studio Unravel
Ledongil Workshop
Studio Unravel is a young creative design studio founded in Seoul, South Korea, in 2016. Its founder, Dongil Lee, was born in 1985 in Seoul and taught himself interior design after dropping out of college. Currently working as the creative director of Studio Unravel, he has been revealing his personal design ideas since 2020 through an independent brand he created for Ledongil Workshop.
Mardi Mercredi Lotte World Tower Mall
Studio Unravel
This clothing store in Seoul, South Korea, covers an area of about 162 square meters. Studio Unravel uses richly textured natural materials, subtle shades and contrasts between metal and glass to give the Spaces detail and layers. The contrast between the cold and warm materials makes the "temperature" of the space present a balance in a sense; The permeability of the glass and the reflection of the metal material further extend the space visually.