Before our intervention, the place provided service as a tourist information center and the redesign project has made this use compatible with the introduction of a store of products typical from Madrid and manufactured in Madrid!. The new elements introduced in the space are related to the iconography and culture of Madrid, preventing the place from having an abstract appearance that could be associated with any chic design store of any other European city. For this reason, we have taken inspiration from elements in icons that are part or have been part of the city of Madrid and that have had an important influence, more or less known, in the construction of the identity of the city and , in particular, in the construction of the culture of encounter, social interaction, creativity and design as aspects that seek to be celebrated in this shop. These include the corralas, the barquillero stalls, the violet candies, the Glass dome of the Palace Hotel or the manton de Manila. We have also worked hand in hand with the Team of Madrid Destino so that in the execution of the elements are involved artisans and designers of Madrid, putting in value their work and filling the shop with unforgettable moments!.
The dome is the most characteristic element of the space being located in four of the existing domes of the “Casa de la Panadería”. It is inspired by the large glass domes of the city of Madrid which are not an architectural element especially known in the city. However, Madrid has very beautiful ones. Some of these domes tell stories about solidarity, brotherhood and the importance that conversation and encounter have had in a city like Madrid. The dome of “Santa María del Silencio” tells a beautiful story of solidarity towards the deaf community. The dome of the “Palace Hotel” has witnessed important conversations which have marked the future of the city in complex periods as the Spanish Civil War. The corralas are not just a Madrid’s distinctive architectural element but one of the architectural typologies that have contributed to build the sociological base of a city where neighbors talk, share a communally managed space, ask for help to each others, hear about the daily news even the fake ones... The project will pay tribute to this architectural typology through a contemporary reinterpretation located in the north and east perimeter.