建筑经过翻新,但保留了旧时的魅力。重新设计后更符合法语中所谓的“Maison de Plaisance”的理念——一个娱乐的地方,一个享受的地方,非常温馨。 这栋别墅坐落在奥地利山脉深处,使人可以在一个由最纯净的材料组成的火光世界中隐居和聚集。
Renovated, but retaining its old charm. Reinvented more along the lines of what is called in French a Maison de Plaisance – a place to entertain, a place to enjoy. Spectacularly cozy. Nestled deep in the Austrian mountains, this villa allows withdrawal and gathering in a fire-lit world of purest materials.
▼外观概览,Overall view ©Mark Seelen
▼庭院概览,Overall view of the courtyard ©Mark Seelen
“我们致力于使用原材料和当地材料来打造当代的受侘寂启发的翻新。” ——Sander Apperlo,合伙人建筑师 ‘We endeavored to work with raw and local materials to craft a contemporary wabi-sabi-inspired renovation.’ —Sander Apperlo, Partner Architect
▼起居空间概览,Overview of the living room©Mark Seelen
重新构想的隐居 | Reimagined Retreat
该设计由围绕庭院的四个翼组成。 其中一翼设有一个九瓶保龄球馆。 院子里建了一座亭子。 玻璃墙下覆盖着木瓦的屋顶可以让人们欣赏 Jagdschloss 的内省景色,创造出小型、间隙式的禅宗花园式庭院。
The design consists of four wings around a courtyard. One of the wings houses a nine-pin bowling alley. In the courtyard, a pavilion has been inserted. Glass walls under a roof clad with wooden shingles allow introspective views of the Jagdschloss, creating small, interstitial Zen garden-like patios.
▼庭院空间概览,Overview of the courtyard©Mark Seelen