Vanitplace@Aree坐落在曼谷市中心的新兴商业区,由PHTAA负责这座创新型办公楼的室内设计。PHTAA以永恒的理念精心设计了室内区域,以确保大楼功能的持久性。PHTAA 通过简洁的线条融合西方建筑视角,同时将复杂的细节融入到作品中, 踏上了探索泰国建筑的旅程。例如, 建筑师重新诠释了泰国传统建筑的转角,并将其融入墙面装饰,而不是使用传统的神龛基座。设计师也在这些细节上做了微妙的处理,与建筑的现代风格保持一致。
Situated in the heart of Bangkok’s emerging economic district, Vanitplace@Aree has been meticulously designed with a timeless concept, ensuring its enduring functionality. PHTAA took the helm of interior decoration for this innovative office building. We embarked on a journey that explored Thai architecture, posing questions about the fusion of Western perspectives through clean lines while infusing intricate details into the work. For instance, we reinterpreted the traditional Thai architectural corners, offering a fresh perspective and incorporating them into the wall decorations instead of using traditional shrine pedestals. Yet, in keeping with the contemporary nature of the building, we kept these details subtle.
▼项目外观,building exterior © Jinnawat Borihankijanan

▼项目概览,project overview © Jinnawat Borihankijanan

▼墙面装饰细节演变,evolution of wall decoration © PHTAA Living Design