咖啡厅位于The Paul Sukhumvit 64号办公楼,设计师需要注意当地法规。由于规定,地板,墙体,玻璃门和窗户不能被替换和改动,只可以在原有基础上增添新的饰面板。
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Chalermwat Wongchompoo (Sofography)
A café within a rental unit in an office building, The Paul Sukhumvit 64, has its rules and regulations from the building juristic. Due to the rules, floor, walls, glass door and window cannot be replaced or modified, yet it is only allowed for covering another finished material without demolishing an existing one.
▼建筑立面,Facade of the building ©Chalermwat Wongchompoo (Sofography)
▼由立面望向室内,Viewing the interior from the facade ©Chalermwat Wongchompoo (Sofography)
Double S Specialty咖啡厅专为生活在附近街区的居民所设计,这里有很多住宅与办公建筑。因此,它需要在不改动现有立面的基础上做出引人注目的设计。‘Double S’的命名来源于‘from SEED to SIP’,使人想起传统烘培坊,它们通常使用本材料彰显粗犷的特性。因此使用简约的材料塑造新的形象就成为了咖啡厅的设计概念,它能够吸引人气,改变顾客的感受并激发对咖啡的兴趣。
▼分析图,Diagram ©TOUCH Architect