这里是世面村。一个让乡村和城市产生化学反应的 “容器”。
Every morning the sunlight shines through the blinds landing on the ground, contrasting with the tree shadow artwork on the wall. The organic fabric texture is a reflection of the red earth thousands of kilometers away. The old wood underfoot is a trace of time and stories.
This is Shimian Village. A “container” for chemical reactions between the countryside and the city.
▼空间概览,Overall view © yuuuunstudio
背景 Background
▼轴测分析图,axo © YDESIGN 奕檐建筑
In 2022, the Shijianyimian Development Group was established to revitalize China’s rural economy and culture through sustainable business development. The sustainability we talked about here, not just the part of entire life-time infrastructure of tourism project development, construction, and operation, but also includes: economic sustainability, ecological sustainability, and social sustainability. “Shimian Village” is a rural complex brand owned by Shijianyimian, which means “seeing the other side of the world.” Villages need to go out to see the development of cities, and cities also need to go out to see the potential and possibilities of the countryside. The development of society is inseparable from the close connection between cities and villages. This is how this office in the center of Shanghai was found. It is a link between urban and rural information exchanges, an experience center for the integration of rural and urban lifestyles, and an engine that brings together forces of the whole society to help rural revitalization.
▼入口处,Entrance © yuuuunstudio