先锋设计专辑NO.5 & 圣史蒂芬教堂 / 刘建生
圣史蒂芬教堂 – 生物系统结构建筑 St. Stephen’s Cathedral – bio-structural system architecture
This is a cathedral project which is located in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in the center of economic,  religion and tourism in Vienna, Austria. Various types of layers were applied to accomplish the complexity of multiple social functions since the new cathedral is facing those complicated issues of social changes. In addition, this new design of St. Stephen’s Cathedral proposes possibilities of the very contemporary architectural form.
本设计以形式操作的角度切入设计课题,过程除了在探讨建筑空间的信仰也包括说我对设计的信仰 The form manipulation is one of the main experimental issues to enter this project. The processes discussed above is not only based on the belief in religion for architecture but also based on my belief in design of architecture.
设计说明的开端我尝试和自己对话来界定我的信仰: The beginning of the description, I would like to write a short story to define my belief.
“当我从地铁下了车,阳光穿过了层层的玫瑰玻璃地坪洒在我的身上” “The sunlight through the stained glass plays on my face when I get off the subway.”
“我找了个地铁站广场的角落,端了杯咖啡,倾耳聆听从楼上大教堂中传来的圣歌” “I usually have a cup of coffee in the square while basking in cathedral hymns.”
“走在大教堂的十字前堂,小心翼翼的踏着玻璃地坪,穿过刚欣赏完剧场刚要离开的人群,我想进到神的领域” “People pass through me to the theater”
“我在中殿选了一个位置,阖上了眼,用平静的语气跟我的神分享着心里的自省” “And I just take a seat in the nave for talking with god.”
“我的信仰,就是我的生活” “My religion is just my life.”
关于形式 About form
St. Stephen Cathedral is characterized by the strong aesthetic form the structure. To pay tribute to the great architecture, my design concept starts with the original system of special structure; I extracted a column and point arch to analyze the composition and logic of structural line.
-类型- • 尖拱的部份:由原形式进行具有方向性的形变及装饰的语言。 • 圆柱的部份:在向上的结构线条上进行不规则扭曲。接着在上中下不同的地方植入空间,配合着加强结构密度及装饰的语汇及尺度的变换,成为应用于不同空间的建筑形式。由单体圆柱尖拱系统延伸出的类型变化,作为操作整体建筑的形式依据。
-Catalog- • Arch: the prototype is transformed with direction and decoration • Column: twist the structural line, and embed the spaces in the different part of column, and then increase the density and scale of the structure. This language is applied in different situation in whole project. A single column and an arch system were extended and applied to the whole building.
选择一排梁柱系统进行初次的整合设计。 Choose a row of the structural system from cathedral to text the catalog.
关于功能 About function
功能议题整合多元的周围环境需求 大教堂- 宗教 地铁- 交通 剧场-艺术 百货商场,咖啡厅 广场-商业观光
Complexity of multifunction Cathedral – religion Underground – traffic Theater – art Department store, coffee, plaza – business and tourism
– 神圣性空间- • 脱离- 基地大开口隔离人及神的居所,让两者地坪不再同一连续的平面上 • 具方向性的结构语言- 延续传统向上的结构语言加入扭曲的力量,让形体呈现无法预测方向性的感受,用以呈现神地位的崇高无法预测 • 玻璃楼板- 彩绘玻璃是传统教堂重要元素,将其转化为楼板,并以原始的十字平面作为大教堂的主要轴线设计。人们带着谨慎的心态行走在十字玻璃楼板。各不同使用空间也藉由玻璃楼板穿透,借以让所有不同使用空间能有视觉重叠的互相介入。
– Sanctity in the space- • Isolation- the big opening in the site emphasis the holiness of god; distinguish the god from of human on the land. • the form of structure with direction- Continue the rising language from traditional structure and add twist to show a special feeling with unpredictable direction of the structure to present nobleness and greatness of god. • stained glass floor- The stained glass is the traditional element in cathedral design as window. In this project, it was converted into floor and applied primitive cross to be the new cathedral plane. People walk on the cross on stained glass floor with cautious attitude, and view through diverse space like train station and theater to make all space start to communicate with vision.
– 设计程序- • 保留原圣史蒂芬教堂最为神圣的中心区域的结构 • 由原结构向四边伸展 • 延伸柱子结构到地下地铁站 • 保留原本的地铁系统 • 地广场设计 • 覆盖全区的大开口 • 伸长向上扭曲结构系统 • 植入空间 • 附上表皮
– The process of design- • Preserving the holiest special structure of cathedral, altar. • Transform from the old structure • The growing structure into the basement • The railway through the bottom • Plaza • A huge opening surrounds whole structure and develops cross route of stained glass • The tower structure • Sphere spaces • The skin
– 实体模型- 实体模型最大的挑战是表现非逻辑的结构系统。我运用激光切割精确定位出点状结构行架,并以型号不同的铁丝编织出整体结构,最后再以乳胶重复浇置。 简单说整个实体模型作品是结合机械科技及传统手工的大量工作及95%的运气。
– Physical model- The most challenging part for this work is presenting a non-linear structural system. I made a formwork by laser cuter and knit the structure by wiry. The last step was applied the latex repeatedly. Briefly, the result is combined mechanical technology and a lot of traditional manual work, and 95% of luck.
撷取尾端的一座塔进行深化的设计,探讨塔内的回旋梯及球体空间的构造系统。 Pick a part of tower in the back to develop and study the space and the detail.
关于学习,关于设计,关于工作 About study, design, and work
去维也纳应用艺术大学继续我的硕士学习,我把它看成是是一种对生命探索的过程及建立以宽厚的态度来看待这世界。因为过程中太多的事件无法完全掌握,太多的文化逻辑必须要共存,太多的情绪震撼来不及表达,我想这就像是在亲身体验一场无声的默剧,一个无法停留在时间单点的冷观训练。我很开心遇到我的老师herman Diaz Alonso,他的确也带着我们看到世界新锐建筑在玩的游戏。他也走出了一条自己独特看待建筑的思维和审美观。
Actually, my belief has decided my direction of the architecture.
It was interesting to study the master program in University of Applied Arts Vienna in Austria. My
view of the world and architecture has been extended by enjoying diversity of culture and international education. I am very glad to meet my professor Herman Diaz Alonso. He brougnt us into a new architecture world. He taught us a unique perspective to see the design and told us what we pursued has not only one answer. Everything supposes to have its own story. The difference is interesting or not. That is what I want to do, make the story interesting.
Also, I believe that the form is containing the soul of the designers. When we touch architecture works, we could feel what the architects wanted to deliver or what story have ever happened here. A good architecture is always impressive.
Fortunately, we have a lot of resources to help us to think about natural form or complex constitution. Many experimental designs bring us to see the power of the form and extend the stimulation of the vision. This will be a endless attempts. We do not let disheartened, we must be well prepared for using a broader perspective on new things.
Practice at work, in fact; I hope to continue my ideology. Never miss any opportunities to think about design and conflict. We can have our own craziest concept for the design. Then, step by step to approach. One day when the project completes, people could think the idea was challenge to the limit of imagination, and then the concept of the dream could go forward.
这个设计案曾在2010威尼斯建筑双年Austria Pavilion展参予展出. This work was presented at the exhibition of Venice Biennale, 2010 – Austria Pavilion.
先锋设计专辑NO.5 & 圣史蒂芬教堂 / 刘建生-68
先锋设计专辑NO.5 & 圣史蒂芬教堂 / 刘建生-69
先锋设计专辑NO.5 & 圣史蒂芬教堂 / 刘建生-70
先锋设计专辑NO.5 & 圣史蒂芬教堂 / 刘建生-71




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