南京长江大桥建成于 1968 年,是长江上第一座由中国自行设计和建造的公铁两用桥梁,在中国桥梁史上具有里程碑意义。桥头堡(桥头建筑)作为南京长江大桥的视觉标志,经过了 1958 年至 1964 年期间多轮方案研究及全国设计竞赛,最终采用了南京工学院青年教师钟训正的设计方案,成为中国现代建筑史上的经典作品。
The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge (henceforth Grand Bridge, as it was nicknamed nationwide), a pioneering national monument completed in 1968, was the first double-decked bridge over the Yangtze River designed and built without foreign assistance. After several rounds of study and a national design competition during the period from 1958 to 1964, in search for a proper visual expression of Chinese socialist movement, the design proposal of the bridgehead by young teacher Zhong Xunzheng was finally chosen and built as a canonical piece in the history of Chinese modern architecture.
▼南京长江大桥桥头建筑设计方案,钟训正院士手绘表现图。Perspective drawing of the design proposal of the bridgehead of the Grand Bridge. Hand drawing by Zhong Xunzheng©Zhong Xunzheng ©钟训正
▼南京长江大桥南岸施工场地数字复原。Digital restoration of the south-bank construction site of the Grand Bridge©苏彤/LanDStudio
2015 年 3 月南京铁道发展集团委托南京大学鲁安东教授完成了南京长江大桥南堡公园改造设计。同年 11 月起,鲁安东教授整合各界资源,联合南京大学、南京市委宣传部、南京艺术学院和上海铁路局南京桥工段共同发起了南京长江大桥记忆计划,旨在开展一系列记忆征集、研究、展览和设计活动,以活化大桥记忆并将其运用于当代的场所营造。
In March 2015, the Nanjing Railway Development Group commissioned Professor Lu Andong of Nanjing University to complete the regeneration plan of the bridge park of the Grand Bridge. In November 2015, Professor Lu Andong initiated the Memory Project of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, bringing together the Nanjing University, the Municipal Government, the Nanjing University of the Arts and the Nanjing Railway Section of the Shanghai Railway Bureau to support a series of bottom-up campaigns to collect, study, exhibit and revitalize the diverse and complex memories associated with the Grand Bridge and use them as resources for contemporary place-making.
▼《南京长江大桥记忆计划》公众手册封面,cover of the public pamphlet of the Memory Project of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge ©LanD Studio 2015
From October 2016, the highway deck of the Grand Bridge began its first closed overhaul since completion, until the end of 2018. In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the completion of the Grand Bridge (1968-2018), the Shanghai Railway Bureau decided to renovate the South Bridgehead during the overhaul and turn it into the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge Museum to display the Grand Bridge’s abundant history and memory. The Shanghai Railway Bureau commissioned LanD Studio to conduct the renovation design of the bridgehead and the exhibition design of the museum, and the Institute of Architecture Design and Planning of Nanjing University to undertake the construction. Professor Lu Andong proposed to use the museum project as both the physical agency of the Memory Project of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and the hub of place-making around the Grand Bridge. The renovation design was developed along this thread of thought.
The primary function of the bridgehead is to provide two vertical traffic volumes from the bridge park to the highway deck and the viewing platforms above. The interior of both volumes contains stairs and elevators. Between these two traffic towers, there are four piers connecting the steel structure of the main part of the bridge and the concrete structure of the approach bridge. The very four piers define a grandiose hall space with monumental scale and a blindstory above it and below the railway deck.
▼ 南京长江大桥桥头堡内大厅及暗层位置示意图 the positions of the central hall and the blindstory inside the bridgehead ©LanD Studio