这个 Arzo 采石场地区的重建和现有建筑的再利用项目经过了一个漫长而复杂的酝酿过程,其委托人是 Patriziato di Arzo;经过设计团队与客户的多次讨论以及对最初概念的不断调整和改进,本项目得以完成。通常情况下,在该地区内发现的沉寂角砾岩都被称为 Arzo 大理石。这种风靡整个欧洲的石材的开采工程始于 1300 年。2009 年,已经运营了六代的负责矿石开采工程的 Rossi & Ci.公司倒闭,2011 年,本项目的客户 Patriziato di Arzo 收购了这些废弃的建筑,希望能够重建整个采石场区域,同时,重新将采石工程提上日程。
The project for the redevelopment of the area and the reuse of the buildings within the Arzo quarries promoted by the Patriziato di Arzo underwent a long and complex process of gestation; what has been achieved is the result of much discussion and of the constant questioning and adjusting of the initial ideas.
The sedimentary breccia found in Arzo is generally known as Arzo marble. The quarrying of this stone, which was used throughout Europe, started in 1300. In 2009, having been in operation for six generations, the Rossi & Ci. company folded, and in 2011 the Patriziato di Arzo acquired the buildings, with the intention of redeveloping the entire area and re-starting quarrying.
▼天然圆形剧场和木制走道,theNatural Amphitheatre and the timber walkway© Filippo simonetti
本项目的基地包括了沿着州际道路排列的 Macchiavecchia 大理石采石场,这座采石场连接了 Arzo 和 Meride,最大的特点之一便是一个大型的起重机和采石场边上不计其数的大理石石块;在这里,建筑师找到了一系列旧棚屋和上方有遮挡构件的空间结构,在这些结构中,开采出来的大理石料会经过初次切割处理,随后,再被送到特定的地点进行进一步的加工。而在树林的深处,建筑师们还发现了一个被用作仓库的区域,这个区域位于“Broccatello”大理石采石场和曾用于提取惰性材料如 Ex-Cava Caldelari 等的空间之前,总而言之,这是一个拥有着绝佳的自然多样性的场所。从地质学和古生物学的角度来看,整个项目基地都有着非同一般的地理意义,值得一提的是,基地上甚至还有一些让全世界科学家为之疯狂的、可以追溯到三叠纪和侏罗纪时期的岩石。
The project site includes the marble quarry known as Macchiavecchia along the cantonal road that connects Arzo and Meride, identifiable by a large crane and a number of marble blocks at the foot of the quarry face; here we find the old sheds and the covered structure where blocks were first cut before being further processed. Deeper in the wood, we find an area that was used as a depot, before coming to the “Broccatello” marble quarry and to a large area formerly used for the extraction of inert materials known as Ex-Cava Caldelari, a site of great natural diversity. From the geological and paleontological point of view, the entire area is part of a geotope that includes rocks of worldwide scientific interest dating back to the Triassic and Jurassic periods.
▼项目总平面图,site plan of the project© enrico sassi architetto
自 2003 年以来,这个地区一直是联合国教科文组织所划定的圣乔治山(Monte San Giorgio)缓冲带的一部分。世界上另一个因其地质意义而闻名的地区是前 Cava Caldelari 地区,它曾多次登上各种关于地质构造过程和阿尔卑斯山古地理学的研究的出版物上。Tremona 构造(Tremona formation)的岩石(也被称为 Retico 涌现,Retico emerge)与本项目中 Broccatello 采石场内的岩石,以及这二者在河岸和气井处的化石沉积物(主要是腕足类动物化石、海百合类动物化石和无脊椎海绵类动物化石等)的历史都可以追溯到 1.45 到 1.99 亿年前的侏罗纪时期。该地区的植被以渗流类植物、潮湿或干燥的杂草和粗野的草原为主。而至于动物群,这里则是直翅目类动物、鳞翅目类动物、爬行类动物和鸟类等物种的重要栖息地。
本项目由 Patriziato di Arzo 发起,2012 年,他曾通过委托,对该地区的潜力进行过初步的研究和评估。因此,该项目从一开始就得到了 Mendrisiotto 和 Basso Ceresio 地区区域发展研究所(ERS-MB,全称为 Ente Regionale Sviluppo Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio)的支持,同时获得了 Mendrisiotto 旅游局(Mendrisiotto Turismo)和 Monte San Giorgio 基金会(Fondazione Monte San Gorgio)的赞助。这个地区重建和建筑物再利用项目的重点主要集中在三个方面:一是教育步道,即通向基地上部树林中的古采石场的步道;二是天然圆形剧场,即对现有的废弃 Cava Caldelari 区域的开发和再利用,该区域面积高达 4,500 平方米,有着丰富的自然多样性;三是采石场加工工厂,即在空间功能上对现存古老棚屋进行改造,这些曾经用于切割大理石的空间被改造成为了一系列加工和展览空间。
Since 2003 the area has been part of the buffer zone of the Monte San Giorgio UNESCO site. Another area known the world over for its geological significance is the former Cava Caldelari, as witness numerous publications on the tectonic phases and the palaeogeography of the Alps. Here the rocks of the Tremona formation, also known as Retico emerge, together with the rocks of the Broccatello and their fossil concentrations in banks or pockets (mainly brachiopods, crinoids and sponges) dating back to the Jurassic period (199-145 million years ago). The vegetation of the area is characterised by seepage, wet and dry ruderal habitats, rough grassland. As for the fauna, the quarries are important habitats for species such as orthoptera, lepidoptera, reptiles and birds.
The project was started by the Patriziato di Arzo who commissioned an initial study on the potential of the area in 2012. From the very start the project
was supported by ERS-MB (Ente Regionale Sviluppo Mendrisiotto e Basso Ceresio, the Regional Development Institute for the Mendrisiotto and Basso Ceresio districts), and was able to count on the patronage of the Mendrisiotto Turismo (Mendrisiotto Tourism Board) and Fondazione Monte San Gorgio (Monte San Giorgio Foundation). The project for the redevelopment of the area and for the re-use of the buildings focused on three areas: the educational trail (a path that leads to the ancient quarries in the wood above), the natural amphitheatre (a project for the reuse and promotion of the great disused Cava Caldelari approximately 4,500 square metres of rich natural diversity; the quarry workshop (the conversion of the ancient sheds where marble was processed into workshops and exhibition spaces).
▼改造点示意图,项目的三个重点:教育步道、天然圆形剧场和石场加工工厂,the diagram showing the three focuses of this project: the educational trail,the natural amphitheatre andthe quarry workshop© enrico sassi architetto
前 Cava Caldelari 地区是一个在地质和古生物学、以及动植物学方面有着重要意义的区域。这个被称为“天然圆形剧场(The Natural Amphitheatre)”的项目是与环境工程公司 Oikos 2000 合作开发的,通过创建一系列利用场地自然特征的特定生物群落,在保护重要自然环境的同时组织空间,使人们可以进入。为了方便剧场项目的实施,设计团队清理了一个遍布着碎石碎屑的区域,在其上以半圆形的形式,设置了四排由大理石块制成的座椅。这些退台式的座椅既可以作为休息的座位,也可以作为公共活动的舞台空间。
▼天然圆形剧场鸟瞰图,以半圆形的形式,设置四排由大理石块制成的座椅,the bird-eye’s view of the Natural Amphitheatre, arranging four rows of seats made from marble blocks in a semi-circle © Filippo simonetti




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